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Nov 23 2021

Why ChiComs Don’t Fear Biden

With Joe Biden in the White House, now is the time for Xi Jinping to act on his expansionist ambitions. There is no reason to fear more than token resistance from the Big Guy. Here’s another reason why:

An investment firm that counts Hunter Biden among its founders helped a Chinese company purchase one of the world’s most lucrative cobalt mines from an American company, according to a report by The New York Times.

Hunter Biden is famous for being two things: a degenerate lowlife and a bagman for his influence-peddling father.

Biden established the firm Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) Equity Investment Fund Management Company with two other Americans and some Chinese partners in 2013. The American members controlled 30 percent of the Shanghai-based operation and served on the board.

The company notably completed a deal in 2016 that saw a Congo cobalt and copper mine transfer from American company Freeport-McMoRan to Chinese outfit China Molybdenum for the sum of $2.65 billion.

Guess what industry requires massive amounts of cobalt, destroying the environment and the health of African miners as well as driving up the price? That’s right: the economically inefficient electric cars Biden is trying to force us into. His ongoing spending blowout includes wasting many $billions of our money, our children’s money, and our grandchildren’s money on EV subsidies and charging stations. Our ChiCom adversaries have been very good to Creepy Joe, shoveling money at his ne’er-do-well offspring. You don’t get as rich as Biden is as a “public servant” without a reputation for returning favors.

The kindness of ChiComs may explain why the mediocre artwork allegedly painted by Hunter is selling like original Van Goghs. Miranda Devine is one of the few genuine journalists left, now that Democrat apparatchiks have replaced investigative reporters. She has delivered the goods on the Hunter laptop story that the liberal establishment aggressively suppressed. Anyone surprised that she is not welcome at Hunter’s art shows?

On a tip from Chuck A.


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2 Responses to “Why ChiComs Don’t Fear Biden”

  1. […] it is China that wants to dominate the Pacific. It has no fear of the corrupt, feckless, and incompetent Biden […]


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