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Aug 01 2024

Why Democrats Want to Destigmatize Illicit Drug Use

As noted below, the illicit drug epidemic is fueled by welfare, which enables the irresponsible drug-oriented lifestyle. This is not a bug but a feature. We know the Democrats in charge of handing out other people’s money want to worsen the drug crisis, because what they want more of, they destigmatize.

To quote press officer Katie Clark of the National Institute on Drug Abuse:

“I also noticed that in the questions you sent below, you used the term ‘substance abuse,’ and wanted to flag that NIDA recommends saying ‘substance use’ or ‘substance misuse’ instead. For more information on this guidance, please see NIDA’s resource on Preferred Language for Talking About Addiction. Often unintentionally, many people still talk about addiction in ways that are stigmatizing—which may prevent people who have a substance use disorder from seeking treatment.”

Yeah right.

Among moonbats, to euphemize is to endorse. They don’t demand we use euphemisms for things they don’t like.

Ms. Clark concluded with this admonition: “Making simple changes in language can help reduce or avoid harmful stigma and negativity around substance use disorders, especially in news stories and reporting on addiction.”

Update your copy of the Newspeak Dictionary accordingly.

Why do progressives want us to wallow in poisons like the fentanyl that they allow to gush across the undefended border? Because recreational drug use accelerates societal decay, which in turn reduces the population to a sub-American level willing to accept leftist rule.

On a tip from Varla.


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