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Aug 01 2024

Extra Welfare Gravy for Passing a Drug Test

New York State isn’t the only liberal jurisdiction that has escalated the tactic of handing out free money. As usual, San Francisco is among the leaders in the race to ruin:

Mayor London Breed … and Supervisor Matt Dorsey penned a bill called “Cash Not Drugs” which proposes handing out $100, in the form of a gift card or electronic benefit transfer, to some welfare recipients for each negative drug test they complete a week, they announced Monday.

It is the constant infusion of other people’s money that enables their irresponsible drug-oriented lifestyle in the first place.

This is the brightest idea since San Francisco decided to pay criminals $300+/month not to shoot people.

On a tip from Jack D.


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2 Responses to “Extra Welfare Gravy for Passing a Drug Test”

  1. […] noted below, the illicit drug epidemic is fueled by welfare, which enables the irresponsible drug-oriented […]

  2. […] noted below, the illicit drug epidemic is fueled by welfare, which enables the irresponsible drug-oriented […]


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