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Jul 28 2023

Why Did Eric Swalwell Campaign for Pedophile?

Why did congresscritter Eric Swalwell campaign for America’s Historic First Transgender-Identifying State Lawmaker Stacie Laughton, who was already a convicted felon when he was elected and who now faces charges involving sex crimes against toddlers? A concerned citizen tries to find out:

Chaya Raichik may have a substantial wait before Swalwell gets back to her with an explanation. In the meantime, she should ask the same question of his fellow Laughton-endorser Robert Francis O’Rourke. “Beto,” as he likes to call himself, has more time on his hands, since he keeps losing elections.

Swalwell, O’Rourke, and Laughton himself are only slightly ahead of their time. Pedophilia is next up to be mainstreamed by the same social engineers who gave us gay marriage and transsexual children. Ask any MAP. Why else would the liberal media provide a platform for a pedophilia advocate to trash Sound of Freedom?

On a tip from Jester.


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