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Aug 27 2024

Zuckerberg Says He’s Sorry He Censored for Dems

Moonbat technotwerp Mark Zuckerberg bears a heavy load of guilt for the Biden/Harris Regime coming to power, not least because he aggressively censored revelations about Joe Biden’s influence peddling through his bagman Hunter. Now that his complicity in tyranny has been exposed, he says he’s sorry:

“I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it.” Those words from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg came this week with an admission in a letter that his company, Facebook, did yield to pressure from the Biden-Harris administration to censor American citizens on a wide array of subjects.

No doubt the Deep State leaned on him even before Biden/Harris came to power. But we have not yet reached the stage where prominent people are dragged off and shot for resisting. Zuckerberg could have stood up to these thugs the way Elon Musk has been doing. Whether out of cowardice or because he agrees with their repugnant ideology, he neglected his duty as an American by meekly complying.

Zuckerberg’s sudden regret only came after his company fought for years to conceal the evidence of its work with the government to censor opposing views. Zuckerberg was finally compelled to release the documents by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and the House Judiciary Committee.

Zuck claims he will “push back” against future Democrat attempts to coerce Facebook to censor on their behalf. Wouldn’t that be nice?

On tips from Ed McAninch and Varla.


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