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Jun 11 2024

Carjack, Kidnap, Get Lady Killed, Get Wrist Slap

You can’t expect a 3-year-old to be safe with his mom in a grocery store parking lot in suburban Cleveland in the middle of the afternoon. Neither can you expect your wheelchair-ridden mother to be safe in the car in a parking lot at the hospital in the District of Corruption:

Last week, Leslie Marie Gaines, who suffered from multiple sclerosis, was left in a Mazda SUV at MedStar Washington Hospital Center for a moment by her daughter, who went to get a wheelchair. Kayla Kenisha Brown, 22, then carjacked the car and drove off. Eighteen minutes later, Brown crashed into the offices of the U.S. attorney and attorney general for Washington, D.C.

Brown was detained at the site. Gaines was transported to a hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

After committing crimes like kidnapping and murder during carjackings, make sure to get the right prosecutor:

The Washington D.C. prosecutor’s office that targeted January 6 protesters, including a 71-year-old great-grandmother known as the “Praying Grandma,” decided to drop charges of kidnapping and murder against a young woman who carjacked a vehicle carrying a sick woman then crashed the car, resulting in the sick woman’s death.

Matthew Graves, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, proudly crows about the draconian punishments inflicted on January 6 protesters. Actual criminals get off lightly.

On tips from R F and WDS 2.0.


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