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Mar 03 2023

$27,000 to Buy EV if You Can Figure Out Rules

Bad news and good from the Land of Fruits and Nuts. The bad news is that residents can be handed up to $27,000 to harm the environment by buying expensive, unreliable, dangerous, spontaneously igniting electric vehicles. The good news is that since the handouts are to be implemented by Big Government, few will be able to figure out how to claim them.

From Jalopnik:

The main program most residents may take advantage of is the federal tax credit. … But it can be confusing… Even more confusing are the rules and qualifications for what vehicles can and can’t qualify for the credit. …

One of the bigger state programs called Clean Cars 4 All which can offer up to $12,000 in incentives. But it’s only run by five air districts across the state. And to get the full $12,000, you have to be in a household that’s 225 percent of the federal poverty level; 300 percent of the poverty level, and you get $10,000.

To figure out where you stand regarding the poverty level…

…read a confusing income level chart and find out if you live in an eligible zip code.

There are also a variety of rebates available through the California Air Resources Board. … But the requirements for applying for a rebate are long: lots of documents are needed, and not every EV or ZEV is available for a rebate… And funds for the program may not even be available.

One proposed solution to the intricate chaos is “targeting specific communities.” It would all be much simpler — not to mention more politically correct — if you could get the loot just by identifying as not white.

Master the red tape and buy your subsidized moonbatmobiles while you can, Californians. Sooner or later, socialists always run out of other people’s money.

On a tip from R F.


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