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Apr 12 2024

2A Enables a Heroine: Christine Jenneiahn

Moonbats bark a lot about equity, but they oppose equity when it comes to self-defense. You won’t read heroic stories like this one unless law-abiding citizens have access to an equalizer:

[An] 85-year-old Idaho woman named Christine Jenneiahn experienced the unthinkable when her home was broken into by a suspect, identified as 39-year-old Derek Condon who handcuffed and threatened her with a gun.

The intruder broke into the home she shared with her disabled son during the night wearing a black ski mask like liberal idol of the hour Dexter Reed.

“Subsequent investigation indicates a strong likelihood that Condon struck Jenneiahn in the head as she lay in her bed,” the review said, noting there was blood on the pillow and floor in the bedroom.

The suspect reportedly took Jenneiahn into the living room where he handcuffed her to a chair.

When he left her alone to ransack the house, she managed to drag the chair to where she kept a .357, which she was forced to use.

The scumbag returned fire, striking her several times. Fortunately, he then died of his wounds.

In the most liberal jurisdictions, authorities reflexively side with criminals against their victims. Good thing this happened in Idaho:

Idaho’s self-defense law states, “No person in this state shall be placed in legal jeopardy of any kind whatsoever for protecting himself.”

Rather than Jenneiahn being prosecuted as would likely happen in New York, she received the praise she richly deserves:

The March incident was “one of the most heroic acts of self-preservation,” the county prosecutor wrote in a review posted to Facebook by the Bingham County Sheriff’s Office.

It is a blessing to have elders we can admire and strive to emulate.

On tips from Straight Shootr and WDS 2.0.


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