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Aug 04 2024

A Question for Kamala on the Black Family

Michaelah Montgomery of Conserve the Culture gets it. To destroy a society, you destroy the family. This is a rare area where Kamala Harris has a record of accomplishment:

Though [former San Francisco Mayor Willie] Brown was legally married at the time, he and Harris openly had an affair between 1994 and 1995 when she was 29 years old and he was 60 years old, according to Reuters. Brown and his now ex-wife had reportedly been separated for several years, though still legally married, and Harris was an Alameda County assistant district attorney at the time.

The affair ended in 1995, but not until after then-state House Speaker Brown appointed Harris to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (a job paying $97,088 a year, according to the Los Angeles Times) and the Medical Assistance Commission (a job paying $72,000 a year, according to the LA Times).

Proposes Michaelah Montgomery,

“[W]hy don’t we ask Mrs. Willie Brown if Kamala Harris cares about black families?”

Too bad that idea doesn’t occur to the servile Democrat apparatchiks comprising the “mainstream” media.

Regarding the last part of the video, although it is true that the first Trump administration was a boon to blacks, let’s not try to beat Democrats at racial pandering. “A rising tide lifts all boats” is a more American approach.

On tips from Varla, MrRightWingDave, and Mr. Freemarket.


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One Response to “A Question for Kamala on the Black Family”

  1. […] kind of guy would marry a floozy like Kamala Harris? This […]


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