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Category: Countermoonbattery

Jul 24 2024

Elon Musk’s Vow to Destroy Moonbattery

As a Japanese admiral might put it, the moonbats have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve:

Elon Musk believes his estranged transgender child was “killed by the woke mind virus” after he was tricked into giving his consent for puberty blockers.

By “woke mind virus,” the richest man in the world means “moonbattery.”

The 53-year-old billionaire vowed to “destroy” the “incredibly evil” culture that allows the gender reassignment surgery that his 20-year-old child Vivian Jenna Wilson, who was born Xavier, got in 2022.

Musk has taken the essential first step in saving civilization from leftism, which is to understand that it is not merely wrong but evil.

“I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier,” the X owner told psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson in a Daily Wire interview.

Even a visionary genius can be fooled when emotional blackmail is brought to bear.

“I was told Xavier might commit suicide…”

That’s the tactic. In reality, kids are vastly more likely to commit suicide if they are transsexualized than if the phase is allowed to pass. But a certain kind of health professional is not about to tell parents that.

Peterson suggested it “was a lie right from the outset” because there was no clinical evidence to support the claim.

“It’s incredibly evil, and I agree with you that the people that have been promoting this should go to prison,” Musk stated firmly.

Impalement on stakes isn’t an option, so prison will have to do for those who inflict transsexual horrors on children. But first leftists have to be pried loose from power. If anyone can figure out how to do it, it will be Elon Musk.

“I lost my son, essentially. They call it ‘deadnaming’ for a reason. The reason they call it ‘deadnaming’ is because your son is dead. My son, Xavier, is dead — killed by the woke mind virus.”

Already Musk has moved X and SpaceX out of California in response to a depraved and tyrannical law preventing schools from informing parents that their children are being transsexualized.

“I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after [Xavier was transsexualized],” he said. “And we’re making some progress.”

Stay tuned for his next move.

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 23 2024

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Ewa Zajączkowska

There is yet hope for Europe. We know because Poland’s Ewa Zajączkowska is a member of the European Parliament. Moonbat Bond villainess Ursula von der Leyen, the “center-right” (i.e., just short of all the way left) president of the European Commission, won’t sit down for a week after this:

On a tip from seaoh.

Jul 17 2024

New Trump Video Hits Hard

The moonbats have hysterical media hate fests, Deep State interference, banana republic lawfare, and assassination attempts. Trump has this:

At this point, it isn’t a vote for Trump vs. Biden. It’s a vote for America vs. against it.

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 01 2024

Moonbats and Muslims Riot Following French Election

Even in France, which seemed to have irrevocably succumbed to moonbattery back before the Second World War, the backlash is underway:

National Rally, according to Politico, came out of the first round with 34% of the vote — up from 18.7% in 2022 — which means that it is possible for them to win an outright majority next week.

Countermoonbat Marine Le Pen is the big winner. In contrast,

[Irritating weenie Emmanuel] Macron’s Ensemble Coalition, largely viewed as centrist, finished third in the vote count with 20% (down from 25.8% in 2022).

Hardcore leftists finished second, but the New Popular Front is…

…not likely strong enough to follow it up with a majority win next week.

The Muslim—moonbat alliance is not happy:

In the wake of the elections, left-wing protesters — reportedly an amalgam of French socialists, communists, and pro-Palestinians — descended upon Paris’ Place de la République by the thousands. Other demonstrations were reported in Strasbourg, Lyon, Nantes and Lille.

When alleged threats to democracy win elections, suddenly democracy isn’t such a hot idea anymore:

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jun 12 2024

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Liam Morrison

If Patrick Henry were 12 years old and lived in the year 2024, his name would be Liam Morrison:

Liam Morrison, a 12-year-old student in Middleborough, Massachusetts, wore a T-shirt reading “There Are Only Two Genders” to seventh grade after his school held a Pride day and hung Pride flags in classrooms.

The creeps running the school faced no consequences for promoting sexual depravity to the children entrusted to their care. Instead, consequences befell Liam.

It’s still a soft tyranny for the most part. In 1984, observing that 2 + 2 = 4 would get you tortured at the Ministry of Love. In our society, the equivalent got Liam sent home from school.

Days later, Morrison returned to school wearing the same shirt, this time with the word “CENSORED” taped over the words “Only Two.” Morrison was again sent home from school.

Fortunately, Master Morrison is not the only countermoonbat. There are adults with enough character to back him up:

Morrison, represented by conservative advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom, sued and argued that school administrators at Nichols Middle School violated his First Amendment rights by refusing to allow him to wear the T-shirt.

Less fortunately, the courts are almost as rotted through with moonbattery as the schools.

The district court sided with the school and said, “students who identify differently … have a right to attend school without being confronted by messages attacking their identities.”

Put differently, children being groomed have “a right” not to hear opinions or even objective facts that might conflict with their indoctrination.

Hats off to Liam Morrison. There is hope for the future.

On a tip from seaoh.

May 25 2024

How to Extract a Moonbat From a Truck

This short instructional video summarizes what we are up against and how to deal with it:

On a tip from Tlabia Majora.

May 19 2024

Why Argentina Gets This Coke Ad but Not USA

There was a time when television ads didn’t make you grind your teeth in irritation. Some could even be uplifting. The point was to get you to associate the product being advertised with good things, rather than with moonbattery. You can still see ads like that — but you might have to travel to Argentina:

The ad is not being shown in the USA. Coke doesn’t want to get pilloried by the militantly anti-family establishment like Harrison Butker.

Similarly, Argentina gets Javier Milei, whereas we get Joe Biden. If we put up with it, we deserve it.

On a tip from Varla.

May 09 2024

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Tina Forte

If you remember Covid tyranny, vote for people like Tina Forte — or the next time a bug comes around, it will be exploited as a pretext to inflict even worse. Forte is running for the New York congressional seat of the obnoxious ultraleftist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

The reason voters will choose the godawful AOC over Tina Forte is that the district has succumbed to the Democrat Death Spiral. Demographic transformation guarantees AOC’s reelection.

The border remains open because Democrats intend to inflict the same fate on the nation as a whole. If they succeed, Marxists like AOC will win every election, and Americans like Tina Forte will fade out of existence. The Future of the Democratic Party will be the future of America.

On a tip from seaoh.

May 04 2024

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Eva Vlaardingerbroek

Leftists have been able to make such alarming progress toward their goal of eradicating Western Civilization and the European race because they have exploited their control of media, education, government, and other institutions to create a climate in which people are afraid to discuss or even to notice what is being done to us. But fear of cancelation no longer makes sense now that our backs are to the wall. Nothing they can do to us is worse than what will happen if we don’t push back hard. Esteemed Dutch countermoonbat Eva Vlaardingerbroek gets it:

Anyone even acknowledging the existence of the Great Replacement (unless speaking in its favor) will be denounced as a racist. So hoist white-hating liberals on the petard of their hypocrisy. As Vlaardingerbroek puts it:

“Explain to me why we don’t have the right to exist, why we’re not allowed to be a majority in the continent, in the countries that we have been a majority in since forever? Explain it to me. Turn the question around.”

This lady understands the stakes:

What she says about the European Union applies with equal urgency to the liberal establishment that is systematically destroying the USA.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 27 2024

Portraits in Countermoonbattery: Cherie Currie

Not all rock rebels turn out to be fad-following poseurs. If their rebelliousness is for real, it matures as they get older. Examples include Johnny Rotten/John Lydon, Nick Cave, and Cherie Currie of the Runaways:

Nowadays, the only meaningful rebellion is against the decadent liberal establishment.

The Blaze has more Cherie Currie countermoonbattery.

Apr 25 2024

Milei Is Already Producing Impressive Results

It is as if we have resigned ourselves to our hostile government continuing to grow at our expense until our last freedoms have been smothered, the economy collapses under massive wasteful spending, our savings are erased by inflation, and we have been reduced to literal slaves of the insects scuttling around in the District of Corruption. But there are other options. Javier Milei shows the way:

Argentine President Javier Milei announced on Monday evening that, for the first time since 2008, Argentina registered a 0.2 percent surplus of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) during the first quarter of the year.

The president declared the achievement a “feat of historic proportions at a world level.”

That is no overstatement. Argentina succumbed to socialism generations ago under Juan Perón. The formerly wealthy country has been a basket case for decades. But where there is resistance to leftism, there is hope. Milei proves it.

If Argentina can be saved from moonbattery, so can other countries — including the USA, the founding principles of which have been an inspiration to Milei and his supporters.

Milei applies his chainsaw to Big Government.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Mar 31 2024

Javier Milei Drains the Swamp

The USA is coming to a fork in the road. We can see where one path goes by looking to the north, where authorities warn of societal collapse under squishy soft liberal tyrant Justin Trudeau. All the way in the opposite direction, Javier Milei presents the other option:

Argentine President Javier Milei announced his plans to slash 70,000 government jobs in an effort to shrink government expenditure and reduce the national deficit to zero. …

Over 50,000 of Argentina’s approximately 3.5 million public sector employees have already been dismissed, but more cuts were on the way.

Even in Argentina, upon which government hypertrophy has inflicted pointless misery for decades, pushback will be ferocious:

The Association of State Workers (ATE), one of the unions representing public employees, claimed that at least 10,000 state workers have already been let go as of Thursday. ATE leader Rodolfo Aguiar called the layoffs “illegal” and “unjustified” and called for a national strike on April 3.

Milei is also halting public pork projects and taking his budgetary chainsaw to wasteful welfare programs. It has to be done:

Argentina’s inflation rate has reached a three-decade high at over 250 percent, with an estimated 57 percent of the country living in poverty. To end the economic crisis, Milei has slashed state subsidies, reduced the number of government ministries by half, closed state agencies, and devalued the peso by 50 percent.

That’s the sort of decisive leadership that will be required to get the USA’s staggering national debt under control.

Other benefits of purging our own hostile bureaucracy are obvious to any lover of freedom. But who will have the nerve to carry out this essential task before the parasite finishes killing the host? The liberal establishment thinks Trump might do it, or it would not have worked itself into a hysterical frenzy over the likelihood that he would win a fair election.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Mar 20 2024

Cameron Blasek Follow-up

Courage and countermoonbattery are often rewarded. Indiana high school student Cameron Blasek didn’t let educrats tell him he couldn’t fly Old Glory from his truck. He could have backed down to the moonbat establishment, but he stood his ground. Now he reaps his reward:

A Cincinnati graphics company is supporting Blasek with a new custom wrap for his pickup truck. …

“We did it because we are proud Americans that believe that Cameron did exactly what needs to be done, stand up for our freedoms,” [GCI Digital Imaging] owner TJ Bedacht said.

Looks sharp:

Moonbats will grind their teeth to the gums watching it pull into the parking lot at East Central High School.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Mar 13 2024

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Cameron Blasek

Grim as the situation sometimes appears, pushback still works. From St. Leon, Indiana:

Cameron Blasek was asked by school staff at East Central High School to remove the [American] flag from his truck.

According to the moonbat religion that prevails in the education establishment, the US flag is profane because it represents white supremacy, heteronormativity, cisgenderism, et cetera, ad nauseam.

They threatened to write the student up for insubordination. But Blasek refused to take down Old Glory.

Later in the same day, Blasek was called to the office to discuss the situation again. He showed school officials that he was following both laws related to the flag and the school’s code of conduct.

He was told the rules would be revised so as to forbid flying the flag.

The day following Blasek’s meeting with his educators, nearly two dozen other students showed up with flags attached to their cars. Blasek was called to the principal’s office nonetheless.

When Blasek continued to stand firm, the educrats backed down:

“After careful consideration and in recognition of the importance of the U.S. flag as a symbol of unity and national identity, I am pleased to inform you that we are allowing the display of the U.S. Flag by students in the East Central parking lot. I understand the significance of this symbol and the pride it instills in our students, teachers, and the entire school community. I share this pride,” Principal Tom Black wrote.

I’ll bet.

On a tip from Anonymous.


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