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Oct 25 2024

All They’ve Got: Trump Is Hitler

Unless you have managed to find a refuge from the caterwauling of hysterical moonbats, you have heard by now that Trump is Hitler.

Recent Democrat presidential candidate Shrillary Rotten shrieks that the “blatantly fascist” Trump will reenact a Nazi event at Madison Square Garden:

Their current candidate nasally intones that Trump wants generals like Hitler’s:

Regarding the allegations by John Kelly:

Conveniently timed just before the election, Kelly’s claims have already been dismissed by multiple individuals who were present during the supposed events.

However, these people are “idiots” according to Democrat apparatchik Mika Brzezinski. Voice aquiver, she underscores the connection between Trump and Hitler in a classic moonbat meltdown:

The parodists at Babylon Bee had better pick up the pace, or Democrats will catch up and pass them. Their lead is down to 3 months:

We have known for some time that Trump is Hitler — because everyone Democrats oppose is Hitler, as confirmed by Not the Bee. When they were running against the Moonbat Messiah, this included even liberal RINOs John McCain and Mitt Romney.

On tips from David Kight, WDS 2.0, and Mr. Freemarket.


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5 Responses to “All They’ve Got: Trump Is Hitler”

  1. […] Even ABC News has to admit that Trump is likely to win anything resembling a fair election in swing states like Nevada. Former Clinton staffer George Stephanopoulos, the elflike personification of the Democratic Party–mainstream media axis of evil, is not liking it. He responds with the only suction-tipped arrow left in their quiver: Trump is Hitler. […]

  2. […] Moonbattery notes the Dems are like a broken record […]


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