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Jan 20 2025

AOC Calls Trump a Rapist

The liberal media and top Democrats like former DNC Chairman Tom Perez have feted Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the Future of the Democratic Party. But the future they wished to impose on us has been delayed if not canceled. AOC is not taking it well.

In the video below, she responds to Trump’s historic second inauguration by calling him a rapist:

When her fellow moonbat George Stephanopoulos employed the same false talking point, ABC News had to pay $15 million (plus $1 million lawyer fees and an apology) to settle the ensuing defamation suit. But congresscritters like AOC are held to a lower standard even than the media.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jan 20 2025

Biden Disembarks from Air Force One for Last Time

Let’s have one last laugh at Joe Biden before consigning him (and hopefully the odious party that produced him) to the dustbin of history:

Considering the insolently flagrant corruption that defines Biden almost as much as moonbattery, incompetence, and senility, this take is more accurate:

On a tip from Gringoman.

Jan 19 2025

Open Thread

Jan 18 2025

Open Thread

Jan 18 2025

Silliest Statement of the Year

2025 is still young. Yet it is unlikely to produce any idiocy to top this statement by leftist congresscritter James Clyburn (D-SC) regarding the disastrous Joe Biden:

“I think that he will go down as one of the greatest presidents we ever had.”

Then he compounds it with this:

“I think the same thing about Jimmy Carter, who we just funeralized.”

Biden is widely regarded as having surpassed Carter as the worst president ever in terms of incompetence and being a national embarrassment, although Obama may exceed both of them regarding damage done to the country.

Clyburn is insufferably full of baloney, as the following video attests:

It is no surprise that Clyburn attempts to gaslight us that Biden has not been awful. He is more responsible than anyone for Biden’s disgraceful presence in the White House.

The Powers That Be in the Democratic Party had to find a nominee to replace the communist Bernie Sanders, who was popular among primary voters but would have gotten wiped out in a general election. “Civil rights leader” (i.e., professional racist) Clyburn selected Biden as part of a deal that would deliver the black vote in exchange for race-based appointments like Ketanji Brown Jackson. This is why Biden proclaimed that those refusing to vote for him “ain’t black.”

On a tip from 100 Bravo. Graphic compliments of Chuck A.

Jan 18 2025

Extroverted Multicultural Enrichment in Europe

Multicultural enrichment is shared with great extroversion in countries whose native populations have been slated for ethnocide via demographic displacement.

In France, a garrulous guy came up to somebody filling his car at a gas station:

He demanded of his victim, a 20-year-old man from Paris, ‘Give me your car or I’ll cut your throat’. The stranger escalated his threat by saying: ‘This is my battle today’ and that he was ready to ‘blow up the petrol station’, according to a police source. He then began reciting suras from the Quran and shouting ‘Allahu akbar’.

The sura reciter is described as a “30-year-old from Versailles.”

In Germany, train passengers were enriched with Islamic prayers:

On Intercity Express 821 (Essen – Munich), a train attendant drew the attention of two officers from the Bavarian state police to a man displaying unusual behaviour. The 17-year-old German was harassing fellow travellers, including by means of Islamic prayers. When approached, the native Rhinelander behaved extremely uncooperatively. Instead of identifying himself and showing a ticket, he shouted loudly and jumped onto a table in the compartment. In the subsequent attempt to calm him down and stop his behaviour, he physically attacked the two officers, spat at them, insulted them and slightly injured them.

The native Rhinelander temporarily escaped, but cops found him outside Starnberg station…

…kneeling in the bushes. In a prayer position, he played music or prayer-like recordings on a mobile phone.

They don’t make native Rhinelanders like they used to.

But wait, he couldn’t be a native German — because there is no such thing. The word “biodeutsch” has been deleted from the German Newspeak Dictionary:

The term biodeutsch constructs a racist, biological form of nationality. … In this way, ‘being German’ is justified via an appeal to nature for the purpose of demarcating and devaluing Germans with a migration background. biodeutsch and the associated nouns … are in line with other words such as “passport German” and “authentic German,” which serve to ascribe unequal characteristics to groups of people who are equal before the law, thus classifying them hierarchically. This division into supposedly “real” Germans and second-class Germans that goes hand in hand with the use of biodeutsch is a form of everyday racism.

That is, to suggest there is such thing as a German in any meaningful sense is racist and therefore verboten.

It is possible that the protagonists of the stories above actually are French and German. Not likely though.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC. Translation by Allah’s Willing Executioners and Eugyppius.

Jan 17 2025

Open Thread

For real. On a tip from Wiggins.

Jan 17 2025

Down the Rabbit Hole Into the Mind of a Moonbat

Moonbats are mentally ill. Don’t take my word for it. They are eager to tell you all about the neurodivergence that makes them so special. Self-described “anarcho-genderqueer gonzo blogger” Nicky Reid sounds off at CounterPunch:

In case you haven’t noticed, dearest motherf***ers, my mental health is kind of a hot mess. OCD, ADHD, CPTSD, OSDID, all on top of LGBT and just a dash of BDSM for flavor. It seems like every year I add a few more letters to this dizzying alphabet soup, not to mention a few more prescriptions. I thought I was f***ed up back when I was afraid to leave the house, then I escaped through the closet, switched genders, and stumbled headlong down a rabbit hole of repressed childhood trauma and began sprouting personalities like f***ing mushrooms.

Winter is especially tough for Nicky:

We don’t even get snow anymore in Central Pennsylvania thanks to those climate raping parasites over at Exxon Mobil.

In addition to psychotic delusions, Nicky also suffers from depression — but don’t count that as mental illness:

Depression may suck but it isn’t a f***ing illness, it’s a painful state of awareness. America is governed by dueling herds of white supremacists [arf arf arf]. You would be sick if you didn’t want to die [arf arf arf].

Nicky offers advice to others who wallow in self-pity to the point of contemplating suicide. One is to quit your job. Suggested alternatives include “selling whippets in the parking lot of a Phish concert” and “begging for change and drinking fortified wine beneath a freeway overpass.”

Nicky’s mental infirmity is actually an indication of superiority to the rest of the world:

I am simply too sensitive to coexist peacefully with a society that considers voting for war criminals and spending two thirds of your life in a cubicle to be normal. This society is the sickness, I’m just slightly more allergic to the pollution than most…

At least Nicky seems to feel guilty about being a “welfare queen.” Maybe there is hope.

On a tip from Mike B.

Jan 16 2025

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jan 15 2025

Open Thread

On a tip from Tlabia Majora.

Jan 13 2025

Open Thread

Jan 12 2025

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jan 12 2025

Tim Walz Backs David Hogg for DNC Vice Chair

David Hogg exploited the school shooting that authorities allowed to happen in Parkland, Florida. He hoped to ride to fame and power on a magic carpet of anti-Second Amendment fanaticism. This got him into Harvard, but not much further — until now:

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) endorsed Democratic National Committee vice chair candidate David Hogg on Friday, marking the latest big name endorsement for Hogg.

It is as if Democrats seek out the most unappealing people possible to foist upon the public. This approach did not work well for them regarding the Harris/Walz ticket. Yet support for Hogg indicates they will only double down, suggesting that a Chelsea Manning/David Hogg ticket in 2028 could be a possibility.

“David Hogg represents exactly the kind of bold, dynamic, and courageous leadership the Democratic Party needs right now,” Walz said in a statement.

Those probably aren’t the first adjectives most would use to describe Hogg. Shrill, moronic, and pencil-necked work better. But his credentials as a moonbat are impeccable, and he opposes our crucial right of self-defense, so the Democratic Party is his oyster.

Maybe Hogg can get the party to implement his idea of requiring a license to kill people.

Hogg’s PAC has had pretty much no success at getting Democrats elected to Congress. No matter; among Democrats, failure is a career path that leads ever upward.

On tips from Franco, Jester, and Tlabia Majora.

Jan 11 2025

Open Thread


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