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Aug 25 2024

Australian Court Abolishes Womanhood

There are to be no private spaces for women, not even online. An Australian court has ruled:

Aussie women’s rights advocate Sall Grover has been subject to a lengthy litigation process over the past three years after trans-identified male Roxanne Tickle filed a discrimination complaint against her with the Australian Human Rights Commission. Tickle had been barred from using the female-only platform Giggle for Girls after Grover identified him as male based on a photo he submitted for during the membership application process.

Justice Robert Bromwich explicitly rejected reality by referring to Tickle with female pronouns.

Bromwich then ordered Grover to pay Tickle $10,000 compensation, in addition to court costs up to $50,000, within 60 days.

Biology has been canceled in favor of LGBTism. Women are no longer acknowledged to exist in any meaningful sense. Those who do not conform to transexual ideology will be crushed in the name of tolerance.

That Tickle wants to impose himself on the private platform is reason enough to keep him off of it. But only in free countries are groups allowed to determine membership. In Australia, it is up to tyrants like Bromwich. Freedom of association, like womanhood, has been abolished.

Tickle appears to be the kind of guy you would expect. He plays on a women’s field hockey team:

On his personal Instagram account, Tickle has also shared photos of his underwear, jokes about sex toys, and several cartoons drawn by Canadian transgender diaper fetishist Sophie Labelle. Recently, Tickle took to X to reveal that the youngest girl he competes with on the field hockey team is just 15 years old.

He brags about invading women’s changing rooms.

The point of the Giggle for Girls platform is to provide a haven for women from men who do not treat them with the respect they deserve — like Tickle and Bromwich.

On tips from Steve T and ABC of the ANC.


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4 Responses to “Australian Court Abolishes Womanhood”

  1. […] Moonbattery: Australian Court Abolishes Womanhood […]

  2. […] is not only women that moonbat social engineers want to eradicate; they are canceling all things masculine too. Consider Newcastle University’s latest edition […]

  3. […] is not only women that moonbat social engineers want to eradicate; they are canceling all things masculine too. Consider Newcastle University’s latest edition of […]


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