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Category: LGBT

Jul 25 2024

Fentanyl Featured in Trans Hall of Horrors

Transsexualism and fentanyl are both prominent features of the degenerate culture produced by moonbattery, so it is no surprise to see the drug that martyred George Floyd feature in the latest entry in the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors.

Via Reduxx:

A former teen trans activist is under investigation in relation to the death of a man in Lake Township, Ohio. William John “Selena Leyc” Milligan, 29, was arrested last week…

Milligan was first named as a suspect in the death of Kodiak Solomon in December of 2023…

An autopsy determined Solomon died of a fentanyl overdose.

Same with George Floyd. But this time it may not have been self-administered.

Nowadays people feel compelled to take video of everything. This could be an evildoer’s undoing:

Milligan was found to have been in possession of a video he had taken that night of Solomon while the man was fatally overdosing. Milligan claimed he had shot the footage “to show the victim what he looked like when he was overdosing.”

The video’s timestamp revealed that Solomon had overdosed and gone unresponsive over two hours before 911 was called, despite Milligan claiming he had only waited 15 minutes. In the video, Milligan can be heard expressing annoyance with the situation.

“Just to show it is 12:23, this is what I am dealing with again,” he says. The video shows Milligan pushing on Solomon’s chest as if doing chest compressions at that time.

Social media posts suggest that the relationship was not going well. He was charged with administering the fatal dose of fentanyl.

Milligan has a history as a trans activist dating back to when he was just 15 years old and first began to identify as transgender. Milligan was profiled by local news in 2010, and spoke out against bullying and transphobia on the Steve Wilkos Show.

Whether he gets to go to women’s prison is unclear.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 24 2024

Elon Musk’s Vow to Destroy Moonbattery

As a Japanese admiral might put it, the moonbats have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve:

Elon Musk believes his estranged transgender child was “killed by the woke mind virus” after he was tricked into giving his consent for puberty blockers.

By “woke mind virus,” the richest man in the world means “moonbattery.”

The 53-year-old billionaire vowed to “destroy” the “incredibly evil” culture that allows the gender reassignment surgery that his 20-year-old child Vivian Jenna Wilson, who was born Xavier, got in 2022.

Musk has taken the essential first step in saving civilization from leftism, which is to understand that it is not merely wrong but evil.

“I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier,” the X owner told psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson in a Daily Wire interview.

Even a visionary genius can be fooled when emotional blackmail is brought to bear.

“I was told Xavier might commit suicide…”

That’s the tactic. In reality, kids are vastly more likely to commit suicide if they are transsexualized than if the phase is allowed to pass. But a certain kind of health professional is not about to tell parents that.

Peterson suggested it “was a lie right from the outset” because there was no clinical evidence to support the claim.

“It’s incredibly evil, and I agree with you that the people that have been promoting this should go to prison,” Musk stated firmly.

Impalement on stakes isn’t an option, so prison will have to do for those who inflict transsexual horrors on children. But first leftists have to be pried loose from power. If anyone can figure out how to do it, it will be Elon Musk.

“I lost my son, essentially. They call it ‘deadnaming’ for a reason. The reason they call it ‘deadnaming’ is because your son is dead. My son, Xavier, is dead — killed by the woke mind virus.”

Already Musk has moved X and SpaceX out of California in response to a depraved and tyrannical law preventing schools from informing parents that their children are being transsexualized.

“I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after [Xavier was transsexualized],” he said. “And we’re making some progress.”

Stay tuned for his next move.

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 24 2024

Biden/Harris Regime Hires Erotica the Drag Queen

Whether the figurehead is Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, we will be ruled by the same kind of people. Which kind? This kind:

A Democrat staffer, who recently announced on social media that he has joined the Biden-Harris campaign as a deputy press secretary, works as a “drag queen” on weekends…

Eric Lipka, who most recently worked in Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s, D-Mass., office before joining the Biden campaign, said he was “thrilled to share” that he has “joined the Biden-Harris campaign as deputy press secretary for Pennsylvania!” …

Lipka, who goes by the drag queen names “Erotica,” “Erica Lipka,” and “Erotica the Drag Queen” on social media, has several social media accounts on X, Facebook, and Instagram, but most of them were private as of Friday and then all of them were locked down shortly after Fox News Digital reached out to the Biden campaign for comment on Saturday afternoon.

But the Internet is written in indelible ink. His social media excretions have been brought to light:

In one Facebook post from January 2023, Lipka encouraged Facebook followers to “come get drunk and watch me slam my vagina into the floor”…

He’ll fit in great with Tyler Cherry, Rachel Levine, and the rest of the freak show constituting the Executive Branch under Democrat rule.

Personnel is policy, which helps explain why the USA went into precipitous decline when Biden/Harris took power.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and Barry A.

Jul 23 2024

Autistic Child Abducted by Alphabet Mob

It would be difficult to overstate the evil liberals inflict on children in the name of LGBTism. Due to their particular vulnerability, autistic children are a favorite target:

A family from Maryland has accused the Children’s National Hospital of encouraging their autistic teenage son to identify as a “girl.” The biologically male child was then taken from his family’s care due to their refusal to “validate” his transition, and has now been placed in the home of the Hospital’s non-binary “chaplain,” who has connections to Assistant Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine.

The Biden Regime’s Richard “Rachel” Levine is a transvestite and an aggressive advocate of transsexualizing children.

The lawsuit, which was filed in March by Maryland couple John Doe II and his wife, states that their 16-year-old autistic son was admitted to the hospital after a suicide attempt in November 2021. Shortly after his admission, the parents allege that hospital staff began to insist their son was transgender, despite the boy never questioning his gender identity before his hospital stay.

As if any child would identify as transsexual without guidance.

According to a press release issued by Partners for Ethical Care, the suit claims that the hospital “intentionally set out on a … program to identify, critique and then rebuke the family’s professed religion… [and] to expressly require the parents to convert to the ‘new Christianity’ by engaging in faith-conversion sessions with the hand-selected [hospital] chaplain not of any of the Doe family’s faith, Lavender Kelley.”

Lavender Kelley also advocates transsexualizing children — even against the wishes of their parents.

The authorities expropriated the child and placed him in a dubious foster care situation. Unsurprisingly…

…after being tested for sexually transmitted diseases in the summer of 2022, the boy was once again hospitalized for a suicide attempt.

Evidently Lavender Kelley and “her partner” now have custody of the boy. They were photographed with “Admiral” Levine last year.

The children’s entertainment industry isn’t the only sector of society that has been infiltrated and subverted by liberals and consequently requires the attention of the Orkin Man.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 15 2024

International Non-Binary People’s Day for a Vegan

Rats. I forgot to put out my flag yesterday to celebrate International Non-Binary People’s Day. Here’s what the day means to a nonbinary vegan named Jazmine Bennett:

Both my veganism and my non-binary identity are cogs in the multitudinal mechanism of my being that mean I can’t just sit by and accept the world for what it is.

Because they can’t accept the world for what it is, moonbats insist on changing it at the expense of the normal people they hate. That’s the problem.

Thanks to indoctrination by liberal parents and subverted media companies like Disney, moonbats get off to an early start:

My journeys with veganism and queerness began at quite similar times. When I was nine years old, having begun to learn about the slaughter of non-human animals, I decided I wasn’t going to eat meat anymore and was met by my parents with the support I needed to be a vegetarian. A few months later, I declared during my class that I thought I was bisexual.

Imagine a 9-year-old deciding to be bisexual at any other time in recorded history.

There is more to Jasmine’s multifarious moonbattery that abnormal sexuality and dietary habits. Being neither male nor female does not protect her from being oppressed as a woman. She also asserts her victim status in accordance with more traditional economic Marxism:

My non-binary, feminine and working class experiences mean I am disproportionately affected by day- to- day bigotry as well as the systematic impact of colonialism and capitalism that continue to wide-reaching issues including the climate emergency, cost of living crisis and strains on healthcare.

You had to know the global warming hoax would be shoehorned in somehow. Same for racism, even though she’s white:

Living at this intersection has made it impossible for me to ignore the plights of other oppressed groups across the world who are also disproportionately affected including BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) communities, indigenous peoples, migrants, and non-human animals.

Hopefully BIPOCs don’t mind getting lumped in with subhuman species.

To conclude:

I refuse to accept the normalised cruelty that tells us consuming non-human animals is okay and natural as much as the cruelty that tells us being non-binary isn’t.

Therefore, the rest of us must change our ways by rejecting both biology and a normal human diet. Jasmine has spoken.

On a tip from Mike B.

Jul 15 2024

Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors Updates

Due to the profound psychosis inherent in transsexualism, violent transsexual maniacs have been coming to light faster than they can be assigned their appropriate place in the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors. Let’s try to catch up on a few.

Alex Ray Scott:

A trans-identified male has been sentenced to 45 years in prison for a murder in Oklahoma while standing trial for a separate murder in New York City. Alex Ray Scott, 28, declared he was transgender very shortly after being taken into custody, and has been held in a women’s prison since. …

At the time of his New York City arrest, Scott was wanted in the state of Oklahoma on three counts of lewd molestation of a child.

An unnamed Spaniard:

A man in Spain is alleged to have poisoned his wife and child in the midst of divorce proceedings following his declaration of a transgender identity. …

While it has not been definitively confirmed, the motive for the divorce appears to have been the man’s decision to identify as a “woman.”

Fortunately, both his wife and their 5-year-old son survived.

The case has sparked particular concern amongst Spanish women’s rights advocates, as they have noted that Spain’s exceptionally strict gender identity laws mean that, if prosecuted, the man will be treated as a “female” by the courts.

Let’s hope the women’s prison doesn’t let him work in the kitchen.

Julia Grace Egler:

A teenage girl allegedly fatally shot her mother and wounded her mother’s boyfriend until she ran out of bullets and stabbed him.

Julia Grace Egler, 16, was charged with two counts of first-degree murder after she admitted to killing the couple…

Despite being referred to as a girl by the media, “Julia” is a boy.

Kelley McCollom, 41, and Matthew Szejnrok, 22, were found dead at the Palm Bay, Florida, home on July 6…

Julia eventually told detectives she murdered them because she didn’t like that her mother was dating a much younger man, and was ‘not vey accepting of her gender transition,’ according to the arrest affidavit.

Death to transphobes!

[McCollom’s] posts appeared to be very supportive of her daughter’s gender identity, always calling her ‘my daughter’ and sharing sweet photos of them together.

But no one is ever quite supportive enough.

Evidence accrues that transsexualism is a form of lunacy that should not be encouraged.

Please welcome these new additions to the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Wiggins, and Ed McAninch.

Jul 13 2024

Transsexual Imam

If Muslims finish the job they started 1,400 years ago of subjugating the West, they will need sturdy umbrellas to protect themselves from all the Alphabet People they send flying off rooftops:

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 13 2024

More Disney Sickness Exposed

If a cabal of depraved malevolent freaks wanted to corrupt the maximum number of innocent children, what would be the ideal corporation to subvert to this purpose? That’s right, Disney:

On tips from R F and WDS 2.0.

Jul 11 2024

LGBTists Oppose Restricting Child Sex Trafficking

Protecting children from sex trafficking might seem like a good thing…

Senate Bill 1414 (SB 1414), introduced in the California Senate by Senator Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield), aims to [change] soliciting sex from a minor a felony.

…but actually it is bigoted, because cracking down on child prostitution would have a disparate impact on the LGBT community — according to that same community:

People who construct their public identity around being perverts are more likely to commit sex crimes against children? Couldn’t be. Even to suggest it is homophobic.

Yet Kara McKinney and Lauren Chen persist in their thoughtcrime:

On a tip from Barry A.

Jul 09 2024

California Star Chamber for Transsexualizing Children

If it would please you to sexually mutilate your child but the other parent objects, head to the erstwhile Golden State. Authorities will go to extremes to take you side:

“My ex-wife, Anne Georgulas, wants to castrate my son, James,” Jeff Younger, the father, told The Daily Signal in a statement Wednesday. James is 12 years old. “Judge Michelle Kazadi denied me access to my own case records. She illegally sealed my case with no public access.”

The trial has been made secret à la Star Chamber. The process is so rigged that Younger can’t even get an independent medical examnation of his son.

Normally the moving vans go from California to Texas. But sometimes people have reason to move the other way:

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton issued an official opinion on Feb. 18, 2022, stating that performing any sterilizing medical procedure on a child constitutes felony child abuse. Georgulas later described Texas as having a “dangerous political climate,” and she moved to California in November 2022. Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-Calif., had signed state Senate Bill 107, turning California into a “sanctuary state” for “gender-affirming care.”

“Bottom surgery” may be the fate awaiting the 12-year-old boy whose mother evidently decided he wants to be a girl at least 8 years ago. It would be difficult to overstate the evil of inflicting the LGBT agenda on children.

On a tip from R F.

Jul 05 2024

Tranny Trouble in Crashed Car

Sometimes the victims of transsexual violence are transsexual themselves. This appears to be the case with a dead transgender activist in Minneapolis who called himself Liara Tsai:

Myles “Margot” G. Lewis, 32, of New Liberty, Iowa, was arrested on [June 22] around 7 am after Lewis crashed into a guardrail on I-90 near Eyota, Minnesota. Authorities discovered Tsai’s dead body in Lewis’s car while responding to the crash site.

The crash isn’t what did him in.

Tsai was located deceased on the back seat wrapped in a bed sheet, blanket, futon-style mattress, and a tarp, police said, per the Star Tribune.

Evidently his carotid artery had been cut with a knife. As for the suspect,

Lewis is reported in local media as being an “Iowa woman” but he identified as a “trans girl” on now-deleted social media. Background checks show Lewis used the name Myles Gerald Lewis in the past. He leaves behind a social media history of far-left posts common among American trans activists.

A “scene indicating violence” was found at Tsai’s home.

It will be up to a jury whether Lewis killed Tsai, but just having his corpse in his car earns the former a place in the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Jul 05 2024

Oppressed Trans Employee Cashes In for €7,000

Jackpot justice gets ever easier for the sexually deranged. Just show up for work looking so freakish that your employer objects. It helps if the employer calls you by your legal name. Then cash in:

On June 24, a French court in Angers awarded 22-year-old “Syntia” Dersoir €7,000 after ruling that the gender-confused man was discriminated against by his former employer for being referred to by his legal birth name and told not to wear an abundance of makeup during work hours.

Dersoir worked for a McDonald’s in Segré-en-Anjou Bleu.

In 2022, Dersoir was hired under his birth name and was legally registered as a male. In early 2023, he started donning makeup and prosthetic breasts while at work.

With the moonbat establishment on his side, Dersoir didn’t even have to spring for a lawyer.

Following Dersoir’s complaint to the French Labour Inspectorate, the French Democratic Confederation of Labour (CFDT) provided him a lawyer. Deerosir then lodged a criminal complaint against the management at the McDonald’s where he had been employed.

A criminal complaint. His supervisor can count herself lucky she wasn’t hauled off to prison.

Reacting to Dersoir’s accusations, the lawyer representing McDonald’s, Maître Pascal Landais, maintained that management had merely requested that Dersoir abide by the McDonald’s workplace makeup policy that all staff had to follow.

They didn’t even tell him not to wear women’s makeup, but only not to cake on so much of it. However, it is oppression to suggest that workplace rules everyone else has to follow apply to the Alphabet People.

French media predictably sides with Dersoir.

No wonder so many people have decided to be transsexual. Why work when you can get paid to be oppressed? All it costs you is self-respect.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jul 01 2024

Pride Month Caps Off With Anarchy and Evil

Pride Month is over at last. In our largest city, it finished fittingly:

Multiple brawls and wild chaos engulfed Washington Square Park in the aftermath of New York City’s Pride Parade Sunday…

When there wasn’t violence, there was plenty of R-rated antics, including multiple women twerking on a white vehicle and one person grinding up against a light pole he climbed to the top…

Presenting American culture if liberals prevail:

TWERK ALERT — the following video is not suitable for children or those with weak stomachs:

Where do moonbats take pride parades from here? San Francisco shows the way:

More than 1,000 LGBTQ people and their allies boycotted the SF Pride Parade with an alternative march Sunday afternoon supporting Palestinians and protesting politicians and organizations they accuse of complicity with Israel during its war with Hamas.

A brass band featuring a trio of tubas announced the protesters’ presence as they marched from Duboce Triangle to the Castro, some waving Pride and Palestinian flags and wearing black and white keffiyehs.

Imagine the fun if they tried waving their pride flags in Gaza. Sturdy umbrellas would be needed to protect against homosexual moonbats flying off rooftops.

Organizers of the “No Pride in Genocide” march, whose sponsors included the Brass Liberation Orchestra and Jewish Voice for Peace, accused Pride Parade organizers of accepting sponsorship from companies, including Amazon, that are “actively involved in the genocide of the people of Gaza,” according to a release ahead of the march.

Just as not even Amazon is woke enough, not even pride parades are evil enough to suit progressives, who demand everyone bend the knee to Hamas following the October 7 terror atrocities.

On tips from Steve T, seaoh, Jack D, and R F.

Jun 30 2024

Judge Strikes Down Law Defining Two Sexes

The woke war on reality has pushed countermoonbats to the point that Montana had to pass a law affirming there are two sexes and defining them. State district court judge Shane Vannatta struck down the statute.

Vannatta is the state’s first openly homosexual judge, according to the American Bar Association. He was appointed in 2019 by then-Gov. Steve Bullock, a Democrat.

Activist judges have been crucial in superficially normalizing sexual perversion. When California voters defended marriage from desecration by passing Proposition 8 in 2008, homosexual judge Vaughn Walker overruled them. Seven years later, the Supreme Court pushed leftist social engineering to the point of self-parody by contriving a Constitutional right to gay marriage.

Now liberals are at the mop-up stage, snuffing out vestigial remnants of resistance in places like Montana, which fortunately now has a Republican governor.

The law defines “male” as a “a member of the human species” who has XY chromosomes and produces sperm. It defines “female” as having XX chromosomes and producing eggs.

The purpose of the law is to avoid confusion by defining the word “sex.” This is necessary in a country where even a Supreme Court justice does not know what the word “woman” means.

Some want more confusion, not less. The American Civil Liberties Union of Montana opposes the law, presumably on the grounds that basic biology is transphobic.

They ought to pass a law stating that 2 + 2 = 4, just to see how long it would take a liberal judge to strike it down.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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