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Jul 18 2022

Ballet Faces Cancelation

Eradication of Western Civilization won’t stop with the cancelation of titans like Shakespeare and Beethoven. Already social engineers have escalated to erasing whole art forms. In England, Oxford University accuses sheet music of “complicity in white supremacy”; basically, “educators” want to ban classical music. Elsewhere in England, the prestigious Northern School of Contemporary Dance has removed ballet from its auditions.

Head of undergraduate studies Francesca McCarthy sniffs from her lofty cultural perch that ballet “is essentially an elitist form.” Worse, it is something white people do:

“It is a very specific form that is built around particular white European ideas and body shapes that are often alienating to young people who do not fit that aesthetic ideal.”

If Lizzo can’t do it, others shouldn’t do it either. That is equity in a nutshell.

Not only is ballet classist and racist, Francesca McCarthy fumes that it distinguishes between men and women:

“Ballet has strongly gendered roots in terms of the movement vocabulary.”

For example:

“Most of our ballet staff were trained at a time where divisions in the teaching of ballet were clear and men lifted women.”

That practice must be abolished, as it has connotations that contradict feminist dogma.

Gender distinctions in terminology such as “ballerina” for women and “danseur” for men – and the everyday use of “men and women” or “girls and boys” in dance classes – were also criticised.

This is offensive to the victim group that rules from the pinnacle of the Cultural Marxist totem pole of oppression. Squawks Francesca McCarthy:

“There was a shift to ladies and gentleman over time but this is still problematic in relation to the inclusion of non-binary and trans dancers.”

You don’t need a snooty dance school to see the future of dance under liberal hegemony. Try the hoods of Chicago police cars:

On a tip from Steve T.


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One Response to “Ballet Faces Cancelation”

  1. […] There they go again, attacking anything and everything that is too “Western” […]


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