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Sep 22 2021

Biden Doubles Climate Handouts to Third World

Democrats’ lunatic spending binge is too vast to contain within the country’s borders. Some of our money will be wasted abroad, in the name of a crisis that does not even exist except in the fevered imaginations of moonbats:

Biden announced Tuesday he will work with Congress to double again the United States’ financial commitment to help developing nations confront the climate crisis.

That is, Democrats are paying the dictators of dysfunctional hellholes to control the climate. If it turns out that weather keeps happening no matter how much of the money we work for is piddled away, they may have to spend it on weapons and presidential palaces instead.

Biden pledged in April the US would increase its contribution to global climate financing to $5.7 billion per year, putting his new commitment at $11.4 billion per year…

Why be so cheap? By the time African backwaters get around to spending the money, inflation will have reduced $1 billion to chicken feed. Democrats waste by the $trillions now, taxing and printing in a frenzy as they go.

Congress will ultimately be responsible for appropriating the climate funds, meaning the final number could change. Congressional Democrats are currently writing Biden’s $3.5 trillion budget bill, which contains the vast amount of spending for Biden’s climate and clean energy programs.

Eventually, massive flagrant waste on needless entitlements and corrupt green energy boondoggles will cause the economy to collapse. This is not a bug but a feature of Democrat spending policy. When hyperinflation makes our money worthless, they can stop imposing Marxism by increments and go full-bore communist in one great leap forward.

On a tip from Bluto.


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