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Feb 06 2024

Biden Talks to Ghost, Explains Stance on Abortion

Joe Biden is getting to the steep part of his slide into senility. Here he tells us about his 2021 meeting with François Mitterrand, who died in 1996, before lying that police officers were killed rather than doing the killing on January 6:

As Creepy Joe admits, “It’s hard to make this stuff up.” He is not up to the task.

At least Biden isn’t as radical on abortion as some believe. Unlike the Democrat base, he doesn’t believe in killing babies right up to the moment of birth, but only during the three trimesters:

Before long, he will be croaking about abortion through four trimesters — unless they have switched him out for the real candidate by then. Not even the liberal establishment could be arrogant enough to go through with the sick joke of running Biden again.

On tips from Varla, seaoh, and Wiggins.


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2 Responses to “Biden Talks to Ghost, Explains Stance on Abortion”

  1. […] can deny that Biden has succumbed to dementia. He keeps recounting meetings with dead people like François Mitterrand and Helmut Kohl. He confuses the leaders of Mexico and Egypt. He cannot remember when his term as […]


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