Big Government Comes for Peanut the Squirrel
Single-party Democrat rule means government hypertrophy. To get an idea of the danger this poses, consider the fate of Peanut the Squirrel, who had the bad luck to live in deep blue New York:
Mark Longo, whose pet P’nut captured the hearts of 3 million social media users, was stunned when a convoy of vehicles carrying officials from the state departments of Environmental Conservation and Health arrived at his Pine City home Wednesday.
While violent crime spirals out of control and the state is swamped with illegal immigrants, government agents could find no better use for their time than to arrive with a warrant to confiscate Longo’s pet squirrel.
Welcome to liberal rule:
“They treated me like I was a terrorist. They treated this raid as if I was a drug dealer. They ransacked my house for five hours,” Longo told The Post Saturday.
“They asked my wife, who is of German descent, what her immigration status was. They asked if I had cameras in my house. They wouldn’t allow me to go to the bathroom without a police escort, who then checked the back of the toilet to see if I was hiding anything there.”
All this because they didn’t approve of Peanut — whom they killed so as to test for rabies after the squirrel allegedly bit one of them despite their heavy protective gear. They also killed his pet racoon.
Longo, 34, cared for “P’Nut” for more than seven years, rescuing him when his mother was hit by a car.
After a long rehab, Peanut was no longer suited to return to the wild and instead went on to become famous:
Peanut was not only a pet but Longo’s nonprofit business partner:
The Connecticut native moved to upstate New York last April to start “P’Nut’s Freedom Farm,” a nonprofit animal rescue he operates with his wife, Daniela. The sanctuary is home to 300 rescue animals.
No good deed goes unpunished where government is out of control.
NEW: The owner of Peanut the squirrel explains how New York officials raided his house, took Peanut and his raccoon, and k*lled them.
7-year-old Peanut and Fred the raccoon were euthanized after anonymous complaints.
“Officers raided my house as if I was a drug dealer. I was…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 2, 2024
On tips from Anonymous, Wiggins, Varla, Gringoman, WDS 2.0, and KirklesWorth.
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