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Category: New York

Jul 21 2024

What We’ll Have Instead of Drug Stores

The big drug store chains have been forced to close stores due to end stage liberalism resulting in an ongoing looting spree by shoplifters. There are plans to close thousands of Walgreens alone by 2027. But it’s not as if social engineers have nothing to offer in their place. Consider a closed store in New York City:

A former Rite Aid in Queens has been transformed into a nightmare out of “Mad Max,” overrun by booze-swilling hobos, zonked-out junkies and migrants who have transformed the forlorn spot into their own dystopian social club.

Fundamentally transformed, as Barack Obama might put it.

The mostly middle-aged derelicts laid claim to the 25,058-square-foot Astoria plot seven months ago, neighbors say…

Excuse me, I think you mean “the housing deprived” or “the residence challenged,” not “derelicts.”

They’ve since turned the site into a blight, dangling bizarre items from the roof’s edges. …

“It’s got a real ‘Mad Max’ vibe going on,” said one neighbor, who declined to give her name out of fear of retaliation from the vagrants.

Keeping people in fear may be the point of the policy of spending $billions to grow the homeless population. Democrats are building a zombie army. The future they have in store for us may be closer to Dawn of the Dead than Mad Max.

One man flashed an eight-inch knife when approached by The Post, while another reached for what appeared to be a loose table leg.

They didn’t appear to speak English.

Much of the zombie army has been imported across Biden’s open border.

Capitalist exploiters tried to do something constructive with the property…

Permits have already been filed to expand the one-story building into a five-story mixed-use structure, with housing and retail.

…but bureaucrats put the kibosh on it:

The city’s Department of Buildings objected to the plans in March, citing, among other things, non-compliance issues.

Here’s one possible future:

The Post watched as a man seated on a soiled blue couch behind the building appeared to sell drugs.

Another urinated out in the open as two teenaged couples walked by, while a third, heavily tattooed man stripped to his boxer shorts and bathed himself with a half-filled five-gallon water bottle.

In the other possible future, we pry leftists from power.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 01 2024

Pride Month Caps Off With Anarchy and Evil

Pride Month is over at last. In our largest city, it finished fittingly:

Multiple brawls and wild chaos engulfed Washington Square Park in the aftermath of New York City’s Pride Parade Sunday…

When there wasn’t violence, there was plenty of R-rated antics, including multiple women twerking on a white vehicle and one person grinding up against a light pole he climbed to the top…

Presenting American culture if liberals prevail:

TWERK ALERT — the following video is not suitable for children or those with weak stomachs:

Where do moonbats take pride parades from here? San Francisco shows the way:

More than 1,000 LGBTQ people and their allies boycotted the SF Pride Parade with an alternative march Sunday afternoon supporting Palestinians and protesting politicians and organizations they accuse of complicity with Israel during its war with Hamas.

A brass band featuring a trio of tubas announced the protesters’ presence as they marched from Duboce Triangle to the Castro, some waving Pride and Palestinian flags and wearing black and white keffiyehs.

Imagine the fun if they tried waving their pride flags in Gaza. Sturdy umbrellas would be needed to protect against homosexual moonbats flying off rooftops.

Organizers of the “No Pride in Genocide” march, whose sponsors included the Brass Liberation Orchestra and Jewish Voice for Peace, accused Pride Parade organizers of accepting sponsorship from companies, including Amazon, that are “actively involved in the genocide of the people of Gaza,” according to a release ahead of the march.

Just as not even Amazon is woke enough, not even pride parades are evil enough to suit progressives, who demand everyone bend the knee to Hamas following the October 7 terror atrocities.

On tips from Steve T, seaoh, Jack D, and R F.

Jun 26 2024

NYC Pays Off Sham She-Muslim

Moonbats looking to cash in on jackpot justice are advised to head for the Big Apple:

The City of New York has agreed to pay out a $350,000 settlement to a man who identifies as a Muslim woman for keeping him in the men’s section of Rikers Island while he was awaiting trial on domestic violence charges.

Taxpayers caught a break. It could have been worse:

Ali Miles, formerly known as Dylan Miles, had initially demanded over $22,000,000 in compensation.

After a brief detention on Riker’s Island, Mr. Miles was sent back to Arizona, where he was found guilty of two felony counts of aggravated harassment per domestic violence and various misdemeanors including disorderly conduct.

Miles filed a lawsuit against the City of New York, seeking damages related to “gender identity discrimination” for having been detained in the men’s section of Rikers Island.

“Gender identify discrimination” can be defined as “failure to comply with ludicrous demands from someone pretending to be a member of the opposite sex.” Like a lot of guys, Mr. Miles would have preferred to be locked up with women.

Miles has also filed lawsuits against various businesses. For example:

In May of 2023, Miles filed a lawsuit against a New York yoga studio seeking compensation of $5,000,000 after employees reportedly asked him to use the men’s restroom instead of the women’s.

The strategy is to screech that he has been oppressed for being gay and transsexual and then to demand an out-of-court settlement to go away.

You can’t blame bureaucrats for wanting to settle. Last year an NYC jury awarded an oppressed Woman of Color $11.25 million because she was fired by a fitness center for showing up late for work 47 times.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jun 22 2024

Bragg Won’t Prosecute Pro-Hamas Hooligans

Remember the Tentifada uprising at Columbia University in support of the October 7 terror atrocities? It inspired similar spectacles on campuses nationwide, featuring not only spoiled, juvenile Ivy League moonbats but also professional agitators trained by a hostile foreign power. Main events included lead organizer Khymani James calling for “Zionists” to be killed and the occupation/ransacking of Hamilton Hall — for which Manhattan’s leftist DA Alvin Bragg has unsurprisingly dropped charges against 31 of the hooligans.

In the city that once featured the World Trade Center, law-breaking supporters of Islamic terrorism can afford to be impudent:

The district attorney’s office offered to drop charges against 13 other protesters if they are not arrested again in the next six months, and none of them accepted the proposal, setting up a return to court next month. Inside the courtroom, some of the protesters covered their faces with masks and keffiyehs, a common practice among demonstrators on college campuses across the country.

It helps to have friends in high places. For leftist scofflaws, this means a prosecutor installed by George Soros.

The lone remaining defendant from the Hamilton Hall occupation is outside anarchist James Carlson, a scion to an advertising fortune with a long history of agitation. Carlson is being accused of setting an Israeli flag on fire and destroying a police camera in a holding cell following his arrest at Hamilton Hall.

Carlson is hardly the only moonbat with deep pockets to come up in the context of Tentifada. Like leftism in general, the pro-Hamas crowd is as well-funded as it is malevolent.

Bragg personifies the Democrat governing principle of anarchotyranny. He is outrageously soft on crime because according to his creed the purpose of the law is not to preserve public safety but to punish political adversaries:

Bragg and his team of prosecutors secured a conviction last month against former president Donald Trump on 34 counts of falsifying business records. The business-records charges were connected to reimbursements that Trump paid his former attorney, Michael Cohen, for a $130,000 payment he made to porn actress Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 presidential election. Cohen, the trial’s star witness, is a convicted felon for financial crimes and perjury.

A country cannot long survive rule by people like Bragg.

On a tip from Varla.

Jun 20 2024

Moonbat vs. Moonbat on New York Mask Ban

Under liberal rule, anything that is not mandatory will soon be forbidden. Covid masks are still fashionable among moonbats, but since they are no longer mandatory, this impending decree from New York Governor Kathy Hochul should come as no surprise:

Hochul said [last] Thursday that she is considering a ban on face masks in the New York City subway system due to concerns about people shielding their identities while committing antisemitic acts.

Ironically, the anti-Semitism on display has been projectile vomited by people you might associate with Hochul’s Democrat base (see here and here).

A mask ban is opposed by the New York Civil Liberties Union essentially on the grounds that bad guys wear masks. Such a ban would “silence people of color and protestors the police disagree with.” You know, like Black Lives Matter rioters and Hamas supporters who terrorize Jews.

NYC’s leftist mayor sides with Hochul. For this, Eric Adams was denounced on X as “ableist”:

Dr. Lucky Tran […] wrote: “Many people, particular those who are higher risk, are already locked out of society due to lack public health precautions. A mask ban at businesses and public transport will make it even worse. A mask ban is an ableist, anti-public health policy that will harm all New Yorkers.”

That’s the future, if liberalism prevails: moonbats snarling denunciations at other moonbats for not being woke enough. At least we’ll have some entertainment.

On tips from Wiggins and Mike B.

Jun 07 2024

Democrat Candidate Proposes Reeducation Camps

What’s next for New York Democrats after finding the leading presidential candidate guilty on 34 felony counts of being their opponent? How about throwing his supporters into North Korea-style reeducation camps? No seriously:

The New York Democratic congressional candidate running against GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik suggested “MAGA” supporters should attend a “re-education camp” after the 2024 election — even if Democrats see a “resounding blue wave.”

Paula Collins is from New York City. But she did stay in a Holiday Inn Express in Stefanik’s upstate district last night — or rather, she is renting a bed and breakfast room.

Collins realizes that her fellow Democrats will need a euphemism before the policy of incarcerating supporters of their opponents so as to inflict brainwashing is actually imposed:

“Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we’ve gone through this MAGA nightmare and re-educating basically, which, that sounds like a rather, a re-education camp. I don’t think we really want call it that,” she said during the Zoom townhall. “I’m sure we can find another way to phrase it.”

You know, the way they found another way to phrase illegal aliens (asylum seekers), abortion (choice), sex change operations (gender-affirming care), insanity (neuroqueerness), fake (authentic), exclusion (inclusion), et cetera. A suitable way to phrase reeducation camps might be “fun centers.”

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 04 2024

Anti-Car Democrat Is Scofflaw Driver

No one is above the law,” sneers the conspicuously corrupt figurehead of the liberal establishment, by which he means, “We own the law.” Democrats do not regard law as applying to themselves, as you can confirm by visiting a jurisdiction where they have achieved total hegemony — like New York City:

Assemblywoman Emily Gallagher (D-Brooklyn) — who has demonized drivers for years as she calls for “safer streets” — has racked up at least 46 traffic tickets totaling over $4,000 over the past two-and-a-half years, a review of public records by The Post found.

The socialist pol’s 2014 White Buick Encore was caught on camera blowing through a red light in the Bronx in November 2022, and ticketed for parking in front of fire hydrants at least six times, according to city records.


The scofflaw lawmaker backed a bill known as “Sammy’s Law,” which allows the city to lower speed limits to as low as 10 mph on some streets.

That’s why the system of government where Democrats prevail is known as “anarchotyranny.”

On a tip from R F.

Jun 03 2024

Illegal Alien Shoots NYPD Officers

Because they are irregular troops, the authorities refrain from using the time-honored tactic of shooting the invaders who have been pouring across the border to conquer us. The invaders shoot the authorities though:

A teenage Venezuelan migrant has been arrested for allegedly shooting two young NYPD cops after they tried to pull him over while he was riding a scooter.

The heart bleeds for justice-involved teens.

Police approached Bernardo Raul Castro-Mata, 19, as he drove the unregistered motorbike the wrong way down a one-way highway in Queens overnight.

He allegedly responded by opening fire on the officers using an unlicensed gun before fleeing on foot at around 1.40am, NYPD said. One officer was struck in the leg while the other sustained a shot to their bulletproof vest.

Castro-Mata illegally crossed the undefended border at Eagle Pass last year and has been living at taxpayer expense at a migrant shelter near where he opened fire on police. Although he had been accused of attacking a woman and stealing her credit card, this is his first arrest in NYC. It won’t be his last.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 31 2024

Letitia James Tries to Dictate to Texas

Yesterday’s preposterous Trump verdict demonstrates that the leftists running states that have succumbed to the Democrat Death Spiral can inflict their malevolent will on a national level. Now Letitia James & Associates are dictating to Texas:

New York Attorney General Letitia James, along with 13 other state attorneys general, asked the U.S. Department of Justice on Wednesday to open a civil rights investigation following the pardon of Daniel Perry by Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott.

In one of the alarming miscarriages of justice that are becoming increasingly commonplace, Perry was sentenced to 25 years for using lethal force to defend himself from armed Black Lives Matter rioter Garrett Foster. Fortunately, sanity prevailed, and Perry was pardoned.

Not good enough for Letitia James. Any enemy of BLM is her enemy. Intervening in someone else’s jurisdiction to imprison such people is framed as “civil rights.”

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 26 2024

Court Forces Christian Institutions to Fund Abortion

Although the greatest threat to Christianity is subversion from within, its enemies still lay siege to it from without. For example:

New York’s highest court ruled on May 21 that it would uphold legislation requiring insurance companies to cover abortions.

This forces anyone providing health insurance to pay to snuff out innocent life in accordance with the proclivities of the morally depraved ruling class — including those who regard it as a grave moral sin.

The Diocese of Albany plans to appeal to the US Supreme Court:

The Diocese argued that “regulatory action by the state to require religious organizations to provide and pay for coverage of abortion in their employee health plans” is “unconstitutional” and “involves government entanglement in the fundamental rights of free exercise of faith and conscience.”

The effect of the ruling is to coerce the Church to abandon its own credibility by participating in sin that it explicitly condemns. Leftist-infested courts may as well issue a decree that priests must publicly praise Satan.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

May 24 2024

Biscuits and Gravy Are Now Racist and Offensive

Ever since George Floyd took too much fentanyl, the liberal establishment has been shrieking that criminals ought to be allowed to run riot because local police are racists. At last there is proof. From the People’s Republic of New York:

A veteran Westchester County corrections sergeant is under investigation for a “racist and offensive” social media post ridiculing Georgia jail guards, officials told The Post.

Behold the thoughtcrime of Sgt. Michael Bourhill:

Look out, Sergeant. Here come the crybully thugs with their clubs:

A Westchester County black corrections officer group took even more umbrage, calling the post racist.

“The Westchester Correction Association strongly condemns the racist and offensive social media post shared by a Westchester Correction Sergeant,” the group said on Facebook.

This lynch mob has demanded that “immediate steps” be taken against Bourhill. They will of course get their way.

“Posting or reposting inappropriate images is a violation of Westchester County employee policy,” [county communications director Catherine] Cioffi said. “Employees who violate this policy will be subject to formal disciplinary charges.”

As leftists become increasingly desperate to find racism against allegedly oppressed blacks, ever more anodyne terms become forbidden. Punishment is retroactive; just because everyone used to say “biscuits and gravy” doesn’t mean the last person to say it before it was struck from the Newspeak Dictionary won’t get canceled. So how are you supposed to know what speech is permitted?

Here’s a rule of thumb: if you are the sort of guy liberals wouldn’t like, whatever you say is racist and offensive, so don’t say anything. Fade away and stop existing. You are a speed bump on the road to moonbat utopia.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 17 2024

Eric Adams Starts Monitoring Meat Consumption

Liberal rule means totalitarian control by mentally defective kooks. Does that sound like hyperbole? Then consider a city where it encounters no resistance — New York, where this guy is the mayor:

According to this moron’s screwball ideology, eating a normal human diet oppresses animals and makes it be too warm outside.

Measuring meat consumption is the equivalent of registering guns. You know where it is headed.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Apr 28 2024

NYC Dictates Warning Labels for Soda and Hot Chocolate

Anarchotyranny means that even as the streets devolve into such violent chaos that the homicidal maniac John Hinkley Jr steers clear of New York City, businesses like Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks are not permitted to sell their harmless products without warning labels:

Fast-food chains and coffee shops in New York City would have to slap a warning on menu boards and packaging under a new rule from the Adams administration.

The city Health Department’s first-in-the-nation edict will mean labels warning on food and drinks with more than 50 grams of added sugar, including frozen coffee drinks from places like Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts, fountain sodas and even hot chocolate.

Hordes of sociopathic scumbags looting and burning in the name of antiwhite race hate? No problem. Gangs of illegal aliens beating up police officers just off Times Square? No problem. People drinking soda and hot chocolate? Big problem, but no worries; Eric Adams is on it.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 28 2024

Violent Maniac John Hinckley Finds NYC Too Dangerous

New York City has succumbed to end-stage liberalism, a state of societal decay characterized by an incongruous combination of savage lawlessness and authoritarian micromanagement. Regarding the lawlessness, even John Hinckley Jr, a violent maniac who is running around loose despite having shot Ronald Reagan during his presidency, is sensible enough to avoid the place. He has been cashing in on his infamy by performing as a folk singer — but he won’t warble in the rotting Big Apple.

Frets Hinckley:

“I’m afraid of New York City and I just don’t want to go there right now.”

He says NYC is a “dangerous mess” and has “a bad vibe.” He accurately describes the ultraliberal city as a “cesspool of crime.”

Hinckley got away with shooting Reagan and others compliments of the absurd insanity defense. This is revealed as all the more unjust, now that we know he is less crazy than the millions who have yet to escape from New York.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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