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Feb 23 2023

Black Supremacist Mayflower Communist Angela Davis

Communist maniac and retired University of California professor Angela Davis finally has something to be proud of. Not supporting the USSR during the Cold War. Not receiving the Lenin Peace Prize from the slave state East Germany in 1979. Not openly advocating political violence. Not providing the weapons Black Panther terrorists used to kill a Marin County judge in 1970. Not taking a leadership position in the movement to free all nonwhite criminals. Not being named honorary cochair of the pussy-hatted Women’s March. Not having respect bestowed upon her by the liberal establishmentarians of Yale University and Time Magazine. Not even being a proud (i.e., noisy) lesbian. Despite her fervent hatred of Caucasians for being racists, like most American blacks Angela Davis has white ancestors — in her case, dating back to the Mayflower:

William Brewster, who traveled aboard the [Mayflower] with his wife Mary Wentworth Brewster, was Davis’s 10th great-grandfather.

Mary was one of only five adult women from the Mayflower to have survived the first winter after arriving in the US and one of only four such to survive until the ‘first Thanksgiving’ in 1621, which she was said to have helped cook.

Then there is her mother’s side:

Stephen Darden, her fourth great grandfather, was born in colonial Virginia around 1750.

He was a patriot who played the drums during the Revolutionary War, according to a muster roll. Afterwards he moved from Virginia to Georgia, where he owned a farm and at least six slaves.

The shame:

Angela Davis gets no credit for her illustrious ancestors. By the same token, the rest of us who have ancestors who owned slaves inherit no blame — especially considering that everyone on earth is almost certainly the descendant of both slaves and slaveowners.

However, the nutty professor would not agree. She has screeched that white Americans should be forced to pay slavery reparations.

On tips from Ed McAninch and Jester.


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3 Responses to “Black Supremacist Mayflower Communist Angela Davis”

  1. […] forerunner of the Black Lives Matter movement, Angela Davis is a communist black supremacist who armed […]

  2. […] also an anti-American communist, as well as a black supremacist — turns out to have ancestors who came over on the Mayflower. Now we learn that Michael Moore is descended from a […]


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