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Aug 16 2024

Breastfeeding Instead of Protecting Trump

A shocking level of incompetence, starting at the top with disgraced apparent DEI hire Kimberly Cheatle, is the most generous explanation of the Secret Service’s failure to prevent the recent attempt on Trump’s life (the other options being malicious apathy and complicity). You would think the agency would be on its best behavior for a while, especially where protecting Trump is concerned. Yet we read this:

[A] female agent reportedly left her post at a Trump campaign event in North Carolina to go breastfeed. …

The incident reportedly happened during former President Trump’s campaign rally event in Asheville on Wednesday. …

“The site agent went to do one final sweep of the walking route and found the agent breast-feeding her child in a room that is supposed to be set aside for important Secret Service official work, i.e. a potential emergency related to the president,” [RealClearPolitics correspondent Susan] Crabtree wrote in a post on X.

Like so many other formerly respected American institutions, the Secret Service has been farcified by the liberals in charge.

Trump inspired people throughout the world with the guts he displayed in the immediate aftermath of the assassination attempt. He has had time to think through the implications of a bullet missing his skull by millimeters while the Secret Service fails to provide competent protection. He is showing even more guts than before by continuing to hold rallies anyway.

On tips from Wiggins, Dr. Kufi Tutite, KirklesWorth, WDS 2.0, and Varla.


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