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Jul 18 2024

Too Late to Suppress Iconic Trump Photo

Liberals in the media want to suppress the iconic picture above capturing Trump’s defiance after being shot in the ear during an assassination attempt. The self-appointed “guardians of memoryunderstand its power:

An editor at a major news outlet wants the press to stop using the iconic photo of the assassination attempt against Donald Trump because it represents ‘free PR’ for his campaign.

The unnamed editor told Axios that sharing the historic photo of the former president standing after he survived the attempt on his life is ‘dangerous despite how good it is.’ Their outlet wasn’t named either, but it said to receive millions of regular readers.

Liberal-leaning Axios reported that multiple unnamed photographers told them they were worried the image taken by Pulitzer winner Evan Fucci could turn into ‘photoganda’ by the Trump campaign to ‘further their agenda, despite the photographers’ intent of capturing a news event.’

The likeminded Chinese Communist Party also wants to suppress the picture:

Chinese consumers went wild for T-shirts bearing the now-iconic photo of a bloodied Trump rising up from the stage and raising his fist beneath an American flag.

On Tuesday, Chinese censors apparently moved to block sales of the T-shirts and yank them from major e-commerce platforms.

Too late. Trump is now legend. Neither the mainstream media nor the ChiComs can erase him. His courageous defiance has touched a chord throughout the world. Try as they might, leftists can’t untouch it.

On tips from KirklesWorth, Jester, and seaoh.


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2 Responses to “Too Late to Suppress Iconic Trump Photo”

  1. […] inspired people throughout the world with the guts he displayed in the immediate aftermath of the assassination attempt. He has had time […]


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