Buttigieg: Racist Roads Kill Minorities
Turns out our conspicuously incompetent transportation secretary has another qualification besides being deafeningly homosexual. Pete Buttigieg can push moonbattery to extremes of pernicious foolishness that only the utterly shameless can achieve, as he proved by telling professional race baiter Al Sharpton that roads designed by racist Caucasians kill minorities:
“We have a crisis when it comes to roadway fatalities in America. We lose about 40,000 people every year. It’s a level that is comparable to gun violence. And we see a lot of racial disparities. Black and Brown Americans, tribal citizens and rural residents are much more likely to lose their lives whether it’s in a car or as a pedestrian being hit by a car,” Buttigieg said.
By “gun violence,” he largely means suicide, the rate of which unsurprisingly rose when Democrats took power in 2021.
He continued, “There are a lot of reasons related to discrimination and related to even the ways that roads are designed and built, who has access to a safe street design that has crosswalks and good lighting, who doesn’t have that access that can drive disparities, and we have a responsibility to act on that.”
With geniuses like Buttigieg in charge, we can design roads so that the only people who get killed in traffic accidents are those who deserve it, namely whites. He’ll get right on it, so long as he isn’t too busy taking extended paternity leave with his child-grooming “husband.”
We may one day discover life on other planets, but it is safe to say we will never discover a lifeform lower than Pete Buttigieg, because that would be inconceivable.
Pete Buttigieg tells Al Sharpton that minorities are more likely to die in car crashes for a variety of reasons including:
"The way roads are designed and built." pic.twitter.com/9ADW5IFFti
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) April 16, 2023
On tips from Wiggins and Steve T.
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[…] he shows up for work, Pete Buttigieg fills his time evangelizing that our money must be spent to combat racist transportation. But did you know transportation is […]
[…] he shows up for work, Pete Buttigieg fills his time evangelizing that our money must be spent to combat racist transportation. But did you know transportation is […]