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Dec 02 2022

California Panel Wants to Pay Blacks $223,200 Apiece

There is no limiting principle to moonbattery. Consequently, there is no limit to the percentage of our money liberals will pass out to favored identity groups that they demand we pretend are oppressed. Once again, California is the tip of the spear, as it prepares to pay people nearly a quarter $million apiece to win the Cultural Marxist lottery jackpot by being born black:

A California task force studying the long-term effects of slavery and systemic racism on black residents in the state has estimated a whopping $569 billion in reparations is owed to the descendants of enslaved people, according to a report.

The nine-member panel concluded that black Californians whose ancestors were in the US in the 19th century are due $223,200 each due to housing discrimination practices utilized from 1933 to 1977, the New York Times reported.

It pays to be oppressed. Hiring preferences and immunity from criticism are nice, but direct free cash is better still.

The work of the Reparations Task Force, which was created by legislation Gov. Gavin Newsom signed in 2020 — and the potential payouts –represent the largest reparations effort in recent history.

Given the conspicuous incompetence and pronounced unlikability of his Affirmative Action VP, and Biden’s own rapidly advancing state of senility, Newsom is likely to be the next president, should Republicans opt to nominate someone unelectable.

Eventually, California taxpayers will have nothing left to hand out to the most loyal Democrat constituency. That won’t be the case when these same kooks run the federal government, because the US dollar is the world reserve currency. As Biden has already been demonstrating, the plan is to print and spend until runaway inflation causes total economic collapse. At that point, progressives will be in a position to impose the Great Reset.

Never mind that Newsom says he won’t challenge Biden in 2024. By then, Biden will to be brain dead. Those who installed him in power will force him to step aside.

On a tip from Jack D.


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2 Responses to “California Panel Wants to Pay Blacks $223,200 Apiece”

  1. […] like James Williams? Or will we stand by like Apple employees as we watch looters (especially the elected kind) strip civilization […]

  2. […] Just days ago, we read that Gavin Newsom et al. want to exacerbate inflation and racial tensions by paying blacks $223,200 apiece for being “oppressed” — i.e., for being privileged to enjoy the favor of the cultural Marxist ruling class. Now we read this: […]


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