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Jan 17 2025

Canadians Pay Ultimate Price for Free Healthcare

If it’s free, you can’t afford it. It isn’t just the extravagant cost of anything provided by infamously inefficient Big Government in terms of taxation and inflation. When it comes to healthcare, patients often pay the ultimate price.

From the Toronto Sun:

Close to 15,500 people died waiting for health care in Canada between April 1, 2023 until March 31, 2024, according to data compiled by via Freedom to Information Act requests across the country.

You can only wait so long for certain procedures. Lack of prompt care can be the same as no care at all, except it comes with an expensive bureaucracy.

The actual number is even higher:

However, says the exact number of 15,474 is incomplete as Quebec, Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador don’t track the problem and Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia only provided data on patients who died while waiting for surgeries – not diagnostic scans.

The past year’s stats are just another drop in the bucket Canadian socialism forces its victims to kick:

Since April 2018, has identified 74,677 cases where Canadians died while waiting for care.

Meanwhile, private health insurance is repressed in Canada. Insured health services must be provided on a non-profit basis. Under socialism, you will eat the government cheese or you will go hungry — and the government will inevitably run short of cheese.

On a tip from R F.


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