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Jul 17 2024

Bridging the Racial Divide in Presidential Politics

Thanks to the divisive Alinskyite tactics entrenched by Barack Obama, we have ever more of a racial divide in America. Here’s what I mean:

The paleface is Steve Cohen, who represents Memfrica.

The primary sponsor of this bill to put Trump in a bullseye (as Biden might put it) was Bennie Thompson, the party apparatchik who was chosen to preside over January 6 show trials. Here’s how his field director Jacqueline Marsaw responded to the assassination attempt on Trump:

As for the other side of the divide, the doggishly loyal Los Angeles Time has revealed that within the Democratic Party only white supremacists doubt Joe Biden’s fitness:

A small but growing number of Democratic members of Congress — about 20 as of Friday afternoon — have publicly called on President Biden to withdraw from the presidential race.

Nearly all are white, and many are members of the moderate New Democrat Coalition. But Biden still has strong support from most of the Congressional Black Caucus, which boasts about 60 members of the House, and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, with about 40.

Biden’s floundering 2020 campaign was rescued when “civil rights” leader James Clyburn agreed to deliver the black vote, presumably in exchange for the racial favoritism that has characterized the Biden Regime. Party leaders had to stop Bernie Sanders somehow, because even if he was the most popular candidate among Democrats, few other Americans would vote for a communist.

Democrats want everything to be about race. Sometimes it seems they are getting their way. Other times not:

Trump’s appeal bridges the racial divide. The more meaningful divide is between America’s defenders and its enemies.

On tips from Barry A, Jack D, Jacksback2, and YOU TRIED TO KILL MY PRESIDENT.

Jul 16 2024

Open Thread

He who protests is an enemy; he who opposes is a corpse. - Pol Pot

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 15 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jul 14 2024

Open Thread

Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future. - Adolf Hitler

Jul 12 2024

Sensible Talk From John Kerry?

Back in 2004, this website was created primarily out of horror that the treasonous lowlife John Kerry was nearly elected president of the USA. But give credit where it is due; in the video below, he talks a lot of sense:

Oh wait, this video is from 2018. Although almost everything he said would apply perfectly to Joe Biden, Hanoi John was referring to Trump —who was our best president since Reagan.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 12 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jul 10 2024

Maxine Waters Wig Malfunction

Is Joe Biden fit for office? Let’s ask his fellow antediluvian left-wing corruptocrat Maxine Waters, the 86-year-old ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee whose name is synonymous with bank fraud. But first wait until she is done dealing with her wig malfunction:

The Democratic Party is past its expiration date.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 10 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jul 09 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jul 08 2024

Alliance of Dishonor Sinks France

France provides confirmation that the supposed center right is part of the moonbat establishment. When push comes to shove, it will side with the ultraleft to advance the woke agenda. For yesterday’s second round elections, President Emmanuel Macron teamed up with literal communists to thwart voters.

Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) won 32% of the vote. Add in their alliance partners and countermoonbats got over 37%.

In comparison, the far-left New Popular Front alliance of communists, socialists, and environmentalists led by radical leftist Jean-Luc Mélenchon only received around seven million votes or around 25.7 per cent and Emmanuel Macron’s neo-liberal centrist coalition received 6.3 million votes or 23.15 per cent of the vote.

However, despite receiving 1.7 million fewer votes than RN, the New Popular Front was awarded the most seats of any party, currently projected by Le Monde at 182. Macron’s coalition won an estimated 168 seats, and despite coming in first in terms of vote share, the RN and its partners were awarded the third most seats at a projected 143.

In France as elsewhere, the left-wing establishment has the game rigged.

The disparity between votes and seats in the National Assembly came as a result of the backroom deal struck between President Macron and the New Popular Front, in which each side agreed to drop out in favour of the candidate with the best chance of beating out the populist party in over 200 legislative districts.

NR leader Jordan Bardella aptly called it an “alliance of dishonor.”

Bernie Sanders and the rest of the globalist Left are delighted. Their local shock troops rioted anyway, just as a warning. They don’t want anyone to prevent the rest of France from becoming transformed like Paris:

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 08 2024

False Flag Front on the March

In their desperation over Biden’s implosion, Democrats are pulling out all the stops, even deploying phony right wing extremist groups:

Sharp khakis. Here’s how we know this is our tax money at work:

On tips from Wiggins, MrRightWingDave, and KirklesWorth.

Jul 08 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jul 07 2024

Open Thread

The whole gospel of Karl Marx can be summed up in a single sentence: Hate the man who is better off than you are. Never under any circumstances admit that his success may be due to his own efforts, to the productive contribution he has made to the whole community. Always attribute his success to the exploitation, the cheating, the more or less open robbery of others. Never under any circumstances admit that your own failure may be owing to your own weakness, or that the failure of anyone else may be due to his own defects - his laziness, incompetence, improvidence, or stupidity. - Henry Hazlitt

On a tip from David Kight.

Jul 06 2024

Soros-Linked Demand Justice Targets Supreme Court

Top Democrat donor George Soros helped drive the violent crime rate into the stratosphere by installing pro-criminal prosecutors throughout the country. Now Soros et al. take their attack on our judicial system up a notch by going after the Supreme Court.

Democratic Party mouthpiece Politico acknowledges a sinister organization calling itself Demand Justice:

[Demand Justice] intends to spend $10 million by the end of this year on a range of activities, from conducting opposition research on potential Supreme Court picks to advocating for ethics reforms for the high court.

“Ethics reforms” will likely entail tricks enabling Democrats to sideline conservative justices on various pretexts.

“Our democracy is in an absolute crisis, and the Supreme Court majority is accelerating it,” said Skye Perryman, Demand Justice’s new senior adviser.

Originalists on the court serve as a brake on tyranny by upholding the Constitution. That’s the crisis, from the progressive viewpoint.

Remember the ominous noises from Biden and other Democrats about packing the court with apparatchiks so that it will serve as a rubber stamp for their party? If they hold on to the White House, this tactic will remain on the table:

Demand Justice has led an unsuccessful push to expand the Supreme Court since its founding in 2016, which was prompted by the Republican-led Senate effectively blocking then-President Barack Obama’s high court nominee, Merrick Garland.

As Biden’s Attorney General, Garland went on to weaponize the Justice Department and in particular the FBI on behalf of the Democratic Party and to commit contempt of Congress. Democrats have fumed bitterly that he is not on the Supreme Court.

People of Garland’s caliber will consolidate enough control to snuff out everything American about America if George Soros has his way.

The Politico piece never mentions the name George Soros. When Demand Justice came up in the context of the campaign to tank Brett Kavanaugh, the Washington Free Beacon was more forthcoming. From 2019:

A “dark money” group that was established to push back against the judicial nominations of President Donald Trump, and which was at the forefront of the battle against Justice Brett Kavanaugh and continues to go after him to this day, was heavily financed by liberal billionaire George Soros around the time of its inception, grants show.

Demand Justice, a left-wing advocacy group, was established in 2018 and is led by Brian Fallon, the former press secretary for Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 campaign.

Outfits like this have been raking in money from the woke plutocracy by the $billions. Our way of life is under siege.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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