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Jun 14 2024

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Jamestown colony, when it was first founded as a socialist venture, dang near failed with everybody dead and dying in the snow. - Dick Armey

Jun 13 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jun 11 2024

Carjack, Kidnap, Get Lady Killed, Get Wrist Slap

You can’t expect a 3-year-old to be safe with his mom in a grocery store parking lot in suburban Cleveland in the middle of the afternoon. Neither can you expect your wheelchair-ridden mother to be safe in the car in a parking lot at the hospital in the District of Corruption:

Last week, Leslie Marie Gaines, who suffered from multiple sclerosis, was left in a Mazda SUV at MedStar Washington Hospital Center for a moment by her daughter, who went to get a wheelchair. Kayla Kenisha Brown, 22, then carjacked the car and drove off. Eighteen minutes later, Brown crashed into the offices of the U.S. attorney and attorney general for Washington, D.C.

Brown was detained at the site. Gaines was transported to a hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

After committing crimes like kidnapping and murder during carjackings, make sure to get the right prosecutor:

The Washington D.C. prosecutor’s office that targeted January 6 protesters, including a 71-year-old great-grandmother known as the “Praying Grandma,” decided to drop charges of kidnapping and murder against a young woman who carjacked a vehicle carrying a sick woman then crashed the car, resulting in the sick woman’s death.

Matthew Graves, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, proudly crows about the draconian punishments inflicted on January 6 protesters. Actual criminals get off lightly.

On tips from R F and WDS 2.0.

Jun 11 2024

Moonbat Tantrums as European Voters Push Back

The haughty degenerates comprising the left-wing ruling class have been systematically destroying Western Civilization. None too soon, Europeans are waking up and pushing back. Moonbats are not taking the resistance well:

Far-left extremists rioted in Paris and other French cities, lobbing projectiles at police, as they threw hissy fits over the “far-right” winning EU elections while claiming they were protesting to preserve “democracy.”

If that sounds familiar, you may be thinking of the way Democrats shriek about threats to “Our Democracy” whenever they perceive a challenge to single-party rule.

The protests are being promoted by 5 top French unions which are urging young people to “demonstrate as widely as possible” over the coming week.

That is, demonstrate against the elections — in the name of democracy.

“Our Republic and our democracy are in danger,” the unions warned. “We need a democratic and social revival. Otherwise, the extreme right will come to power.”

“Extreme” is Establishmentese for “not left-wing,” making “extreme right” a pleonasm.

Those who don’t vote for the establishment are not only threats to democracy but also racists who commit hate:

Demonstrators also carried placards that read, “Make racists afraid again” and “No to the Hate era,” while marchers in Toulouse asserted, “No fascists in the neighborhoods, no fascists in the Assembly!”

Violent mobs want to make those who vote against the current regime afraid — while calling them fascists. The hypocrisy of moonbats is a marvel to behold.

The owners of this business were accused of voting “far right”:

In light of the media-driven Black Lives Matter riots that preceded the 2020 election, we can expect similar chaos on this side of the Atlantic, as it becomes increasing clear that Americans will not do as they are told and vote for Joe Biden.

On tips from KirklesWorth and seaoh.

Jun 11 2024

The Smug Face of Mayhem

For those suffering from low blood pressure, here’s some follow-up on the senseless and avoidable murder of 3-year-old Julian Wood, who was knifed along with his mother in a grocery store parking lot in the middle of the afternoon in a suburb of Cleveland. Presenting the accused, Bionca Ellis, who should have been incarcerated for a parole violation at the time of the attack:

Don’t expect gratitude when criminals are allowed to run free out of liberal authorities’ faux niceness. Likewise, don’t expect remorse for the crimes that are consequently committed.

On tips from Wiggins and Chris Neilson. Hat tip: Independent Sentinel.

Jun 10 2024

Open Thread

If the constitutional right to keep and bear arms is to mean anything, it must, as a general matter, permit a person to possess, carry and sometimes conceal arms to maintain the security of his private residence or privately operated business. - David Prosser, Jr.

Jun 08 2024

Open Thread

Family life was and always will be the foundation of any civilization. Destroy the family and you destroy the country. - Erin Pizzey

Jun 07 2024

Open Thread

What troubles me about the

Jun 06 2024

Open Thread

The eyes of the world are upon you. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Jun 05 2024

Open Thread

I'm not going to assume liberals are stupid, as they do with conservatives. No, I'll attribute it instead to more fraud and deceit. - Rush Limbaugh

Jun 04 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jun 03 2024

Moonbat Mayor Michelle Wu Effectively Legalizes Crime

As a dying city swirls down the maelstrom of the Democrat Death Spiral, it will degenerate into such a state of political decay that it finds itself ruled by ultramoonbats like Boston Mayor Michelle Wu.

Crime in Boston has not yet reached the woke levels of more diverse cities like Detroit and Memphis. But Wu is working on that:

Wu has argued for charges including shoplifting and disorderly conduct to be beyond the reach of prosectors along with other serious crimes including the receiving of stolen property and even driving with a suspended license.

But Wu’s progressive outlook goes even further with the 39-year-old seemingly comfortable with offenders that commit ‘quality of life’ crimes getting off scot free.

They include the breaking and entering of property, wanton and malicious destruction of property, minor’s in possession of alcohol and drug possession including the distribution of marijuana and non-marijuana types.

Back in the day, Rudy Giuliani used policies based on the broken windows theory to clean up New York City. Having diametrically opposite objectives, Wu has thrown such policies into hard reverse.

Boston will become unlivable as predictable consequences follow. This is not a bug but a feature. Anyone unlikely to vote for Wu will get the hell out of there.

Speaking of voters,

Wu has been ripped over a “tone-deaf” and “unserious” plan to give kids as young as 11 and undocumented migrants voting rights when it comes to deciding how millions of dollars in public funds are doled out.

The city’s new participatory budget voting process, which will go into effect in July, gives ordinary Bostonians the ability to decide how a portion of the city’s budget will be spent, the Boston Herald reported.

Putting children and illegal aliens in charge of how taxpayers’ money is spent ought to speed the death spiral along nicely.

On the positive side, Wu is Boston’s Historic First Woman of Color Mayor. Next, the march of progress will bring us to Boston’s Historic First Trans Woman of Color Mayor.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Ed McAninch, and Eddie_Valiant.

Jun 03 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jun 02 2024

Open Thread

There is no word more


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