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Aug 20 2024

Could Liberals Have a Sense of Humor After All?

Like all totalitarians, moonbats seem to lack a sense of humor. This is why they can’t meme and the late night talk shows they dominate are dying. Gavin Newsom even called for making parody ads illegal. But wait, maybe one of them has a sense of humor after all:

The comedienne is Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow.

At the risk of killing the joke by explaining it, Biden’s weaponized “Justice” Department sicced heavily armed FBI goons on Roger Stone and Mar-a-Lago. Even Democrats see the FBI as “Biden’s personal Gestapo.” A large percentage of Americans believe the FBI was behind the attempted assassination of Trump.

Democrats convicted Trump on 34 felony charges of nothing in particular so that the media could refer to him as a convicted felon. If it looks like they can’t stampede enough idiots into voting for a communist, they may even throw Trump in prison — so as to protect Our Their Democracy.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.


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