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Sep 10 2024

Kamala Harris’s Radicalism Revealed

Kamala Harris keeps telling us that her “values have not changed.” To learn what this means, refer to an ACLU questionnaire that she completed in 2019 but that evidently was uploaded after Biden was shoved aside for her at the top of ticket.

The Blaze reports that she promised to do the following:

• “Support the decriminalization at the federal level of all drug possession for personal use”;

• Slash detention in illegal alien detention facilities by at least 50% and halt funding for the construction of new facilities;

• End the use of ICE detainers;

• “Pass immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million-plus people living in our communities”;

• Seek a federal moratorium on the death penalty;

• “Fight” to make Washington, D.C., a state;

• “Require states with a history of unconstitutionally restricting access to abortion to pre-clear any new law or practice with the Justice Department before it can be enacted”;

• Repeal the Hyde Amendment and “ensure that all insurers are required to provide full reproductive healthcare services”; and

• Ensure that “federal prisoners and detainees are able to obtain medically necessary care for gender transition, including surgical care, while incarcerated or detained.”

Even CNN propagandist Erin Burnett was taken aback by her radicalism:

“Taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained migrants? She actually said she supports that?” said the shocked talking head.

Marxist Senator Bernie Sanders — whose voting record is to the right of Kamala Harris’s — is not fooled by her recent attempts to appear moderate:

There is nothing to the left of the San Francisco liberal Kamala Harris. If Democrats can impose her, America is going off a cliff.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Varla.


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