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Apr 08 2024

“Death to America!” Screams Mob in Michigan

One advantage of multiculturalism is that you no longer need to travel to Iran or Gaza to hear bloodthirsty mobs shrieking “Death to America!” That experience can be enjoyed much closer to home:

Protesters in Dearborn, Michigan, shouted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” during an International Al-Quds Day rally held in the town.

“Al-Quds” is what Muslims call Jerusalem, the Jewish capital going back to 1000 BC. Friday was Al-Quds Day.

As activist Tarek Bazzi of the Hadi Institute bitterly denounced America,

Bazzi’s comments were followed by crowds chanting “Death to America!” in the background.

Why not focus the hatred on Jews? After all, the most convenient time to kick people is when they are down.

Bazzi reasoned that the rallies held on the day “are so anti-America,” instead of a focus on Israel, because “it’s the United States government that provides the funds for all of the atrocities,” pointing to Israel’s continued siege of Gaza as an example.

Speaking of Gaza, the Biden Regime reacted to the October 7 atrocities by showering $100 million of our money on Hamas. Then it launched plans to build a port for Hamas. In an attempt to shore up support in Michigan, Biden has leaned heavily on Israel to surrender to Hamas. But yes, American taxpayers’ money is bestowed upon Israel too.

The actual reason to focus ire on the USA is that Israel is only the Little Satan. The Great Satan must be eradicated before Islamism can be imposed throughout all the world.

The activist went on to quote [Malcolm] X, who said the U.S. is “one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this Earth,” while arguing to eliminate the entire American “system.”

Tazzi, presumably of immigrant background, enriched the multicultural tapestry by shrieking of America that “such a system does not deserve to exist on God’s Earth.”

You can see why liberals and Islamists hit it off — until the latter take power and chuck the former off rooftops.

Bazzi’s speech was followed by remarks from Michigan Iman Usama Abdulghani, who called Israel an “evil settler colonialist project” …

The absurd lie that the ancient nation of Israel is a recently conceived “colonialist project” is straight-up liberalism. The purpose is to liken Israel to the hated USA. The lie assumes people lack even a rudimentary awareness of Western history and the Bible — which these days is a safe bet.

Abdulghani then called Israelis Nazis. Chants arose calling for their extermination.

The extermination of other infidels will follow.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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8 Responses to ““Death to America!” Screams Mob in Michigan”

  1. […] Friday, a mob of Muslim colonists in Michigan chanted “Death to America!” in response to an Islamic activist denouncing the USA as “one of the rottenest […]

  2. […] Friday, a mob of Muslim colonists in Michigan chanted “Death to America!” in response to an Islamic activist denouncing the USA as “one of the rottenest countries that […]

  3. […] from the party that refuses to repudiate Muslim colonists chanting “Death to America!” in […]

  4. […] already have Muslim colonists chanting “Death to America!” with the tacit support of top Democrat politicians. Importing Palestinians from Gaza in the […]

  5. […] already have Muslim colonists chanting “Death to America!” with the tacit support of top Democrat politicians. Importing Palestinians from Gaza in the […]


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