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Jun 17 2024

Democrats Break the Irony Meter on Elder Abuse

A single scene summarizes the relationship between Barack Obama and “President” Joe Biden:

Via Daily Wire:

At the end of a fundraiser on Saturday night studded with Hollywood celebrities, former President Barack Obama took President Biden’s hand and guided him off the stage. As the band played and Obama waved to the audience, Biden faced the audience with his hands clenched, only turning to leave when Obama took his hand to lead him off.

Meanwhile, Biden’s handlers declared Saturday to be World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. From the official White House proclamation:

During World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, we recommit to standing with elder abuse survivors, shedding light on this important issue, and creating a world in which no older person has to live in fear of violence, abuse, or neglect.

Elder abuse comes in many forms.

One form is exploiting someone who has succumbed to dementia as a mindless puppet.

Don’t worry; the federal government is fixing the problem by the usual means — i.e., throwing our money at it:

To date, my Administration has dedicated over $430 million to Adult Protective Services, making it easier to investigate reports of elder abuse… My new Budget proposes a $30 million investment to sustain and strengthen these resources.

Yet Adult Protective Services fails to investigate Obama, Jill Biden, George Soros, and the rest of Biden’s handlers/puppeteers.

Hold on, the irony meter hasn’t broken yet…

Concurrently, we are working to protect the savings that older Americans have worked their entire lives to build up.

This they accomplish by flagrantly wasting $trillions, thereby driving up inflation and eroding the value of savings. That should do it for the irony meter.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and The Great Cornholio.


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