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Apr 30 2024

Establishmentarian Lackey Praises Kamala’s Cackle

Could any other liberal establishmentarian be as obsequious as the brown-nosing toady Howard Stern? Yes: Drew Barrymore. Try to keep your lunch down as she nearly climbs into Kamala Harris’s lap while praising the shrill, humorless cackle that sets everyone’s nerves on edge:

Remember voters: any complaints about Kamala Harris are not only racist but sexist. That’s why the Powers That Be intend to install this conspicuously incompetent moonbat as POTUS behind the decrepit Joe Biden, who is already virtually brain dead and is unlikely to live through a second term.

The media is in effect the PR department of the Democratic Party — as Drew Barrymore and Howard Stern make embarrassingly obvious.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and Sandy Reardon.


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