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Jan 06 2024

Experts: Accept Official Information Unquestioningly

Covid tyranny and the global warming hoax have subordinated science to government interests. Scientists find what the bureaucrats directly or indirectly funding them want them to find. At this point they are not subtle about it:

Conventional wisdom suggests that searching online to evaluate the veracity of misinformation would reduce belief in it. But a new study by a team of researchers shows the opposite occurs: Searching to evaluate the truthfulness of false news articles actually increases the probability of believing misinformation.

We can trust their results, because the Experts used the left-wing propaganda tool NewsGuard to evaluate the legitimacy of online information.

Seriously, they appointed NewsGuard arbiter of objective truth:

The study’s source credibility ratings were determined by NewsGuard, a browser extension that rates news and other information sites in order to guide users in assessing the trustworthiness of the content they come across online.

They might as well have used the cartoonishly liberal government outlets NPR and PBS. NewsGuard heavily favors state-affiliated media.

[T]he authors found that the act of searching online to evaluate news led to a statistically significant increase in belief in misinformation.

In other words, the more you learn on your own about a subject, the less likely you are to believe the official narrative. Sounds plausible.

Actually, it sounds so obvious that the Experts needn’t have bothered studying the matter. But they have salaries to justify and grants to obtain.


Do not attempt to look into matters on your own. The government has determined what is best for you to believe. It will tell the Experts, who will tell the media, who will tell you. Your eyes and ears deceive you. If information has not been approved by authorities, it is misinformation — which will soon be illegal.

On a tip from Lyle.


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