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May 07 2024

Establishment Frames Calling Out Liars as Lack of Decorum

With a straight face, Barack Obama yelped at Congress that ObamaCare would not result in Americans being compelled to pay for healthcare for the unlawful invaders displacing us from our country. Outraged by the audacity, a Republican Congressman could not help but shout, “You lie!”

The same side of the aisle that gave us Maxine Waters continues to clutch its pearls over the lack of decorum of its deplorable adversaries:

When South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson yelled “You lie!” during a 2009 speech President Barack Obama delivered to Congress, the breach of decorum quickly became the evening’s most notable moment. Members of both parties condemned the outburst, which was a response to the President’s claim that his health care plan would not apply to undocumented immigrants. After being booed by his colleagues, Wilson issued an apology and expressed contrition to Obama’s chief of staff.

Fourteen years later, heckling, booing, and yelling at the President has become the norm.

The actual problem is that the insultingly brazen lying Wilson objected to has become the norm.

Despite being cast as the villain and despite his regrettable apology, Wilson has unsurprisingly been proven correct:

Biden’s administration formalized a policy Friday opening Obamacare health insurance exchanges to people who arrived illegally in the US as children and have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status — at an estimated cost of up to $300 million per year.

You might recognize Biden as the treasonous Marxist apparatchik sitting to the left of Obama in the video above.

Democrats go beyond allowing millions upon millions of foreigners to pour over the border to take our country away from us and turn it into the sort of country they left behind. They rub salt in the wound by forcing us to pay for the invaders’ healthcare. It calls to mind Saddam Hussein’s policy of charging the families of his victims for the ammo used in executions.

But don’t call them out as liars. The media will sniff that you lack decorum.

On tips from Lyle and Jester.


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3 Responses to “Establishment Frames Calling Out Liars as Lack of Decorum”

  1. […] Joe Wilson observed years ago, Democrats were lying when they barked that the illegal aliens they have been importing for purposes of demographic […]

  2. […] Joe Wilson observed years ago, Democrats were lying when they barked that the illegal aliens they have been importing for purposes of demographic […]


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