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Category: San Francisco

Jun 28 2024

Running a Business Under Democrat Anarchotyranny

Where Democrat anarchotyranny has been established as in San Francisco, running a business is challenging:

Cigarettes Cheaper, a family-owned small business […] has been broken into and ransacked on four different occasions, according to Bashir, the store’s owner. …

“How many times do we have to go through this? I get it (if it’s) once or twice, but it just continues to happen,” Bashir said. “I think we’re at the verge to just completely close our shop because the profit is not that great. All we’re trying to do is maintain. Everything’s expensive. The rent is up, employee (costs) are high, and on top, (we have) to deal with this.”

Welcome to California now that Democrats have consolidated control.

The store is walled with interior fencing because of previous break-ins, but Bashier said the thieves used a car to ram through it […]

Disposable cars are easy to come by in California. Just steal one. In the name of Critical Race Theory, police have been marginalized to the point of irrelevance.

Costs are estimated to be in the tens of thousands from stolen items […] and the damage to the storefront.

Another benefit of living in Gavin Newsom Land:

“There’s no insurance. State Farm has completely kicked us out because they call the state of California a hot spot,” Bashir said. “I don’t blame them because they’re here for business, not to just continue to give you money. So, there’s chaos going on here (and) they cancelled everybody’s policy. They won’t give insurance because they know the outcome.”

See here for more on State Farm giving up on the erstwhile Golden State.

The police did chase the criminals. But then they crashed into a police car and ran away. At last word, no arrests had been made.

Municipal bureaurats realized Bashir had not been sufficiently punished for trying to run a business, so…

Want to turn the whole country into this? Vote Democrat.

On a tip from seaoh.

Jun 10 2024

San Francisco Free Food Market

Our Marxist future continues to unfold in San Francisco. Now that businesses have been driven out because shoplifting is effectively legal there, the next logical step is free food markets:

San Francisco opened its first $5.5 million free food “market”, where approved residents can show a benefits eligibility card, put what they want in their carts, check out to keep track of outgoing inventory, and leave without paying.

The Bayview-Hunters Point facility aims to be a food pantry alternative that replicates the supermarket experience in an area where many grocery stores have come but few have remained due to high crime.

Authorities say this is necessary because food stamps do not provide enough free food due to inflation. The inflation is mainly driven by government spending.

The 4000-square foot District 10 Market is the first of San Francisco’s food empowerment “markets” funded by the San Francisco’s Human Services Agency.

That is, funded by taxpayers who have not yet escaped the area. When the entire state has been emptied of taxpayers, California will get a federal bailout — if the whole country has not followed it down the tubes by then.

Speaking of jurisdictions going down the tubes, Chicago’s ultramoonbat mayor has called for government grocery stores. If you like the DMV, you’ll love relying on leftist bureaucrats for food.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 12 2024

San Francisco Provides Free Alcohol to Drunken Bums

If moonbats are insane enough to give free needles to drug fiends, why not provide free vodka shots to drunken bums? No really:

San Francisco is handing out bottles of beer, glasses of wine and shots of vodka to homeless alcoholics – and spending $5m a year on the program.

It’s okay; it’s all supervised by Experts:

The alcoholic drinks are served by nurses as part of the city’s ‘managed alcohol program’, which has been running for four years, as a way of taking care of vulnerable homeless people.

No reason to be stingy; taxpayers have plenty of money:

Nurses assess patients and typically serve them the equivalent of 1-2 drinks between three and four times a day — handing out either 1.7 ounces of vodka or liquor (about a shot), 5 ounces of wine (1 glass) or 12 ounces of beer – about three-quarters of a pint.

Next will be taxpayer-funded kiddy porn for vulnerable pedophiles.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Apr 26 2024

Adam Schiff Robbed in San Francisco

Democrats seem to believe they will be safe from the chaos they inflict on the rest of us. But as civilization is systematically dismantled to advance the liberal agenda, everyone becomes vulnerable — even prominent party members like California congresscritter/senate candidate Adam Schiff:

Schiff faced a rude welcome in San Francisco as he was reportedly a victim of a carjacking just hours before a campaign dinner. Thieves broke into his car parked in a downtown garage, stealing his bags, leaving Schiff to attend the event in shirt sleeves and a hiking vest.

No wonder Schiff evidently does not live in the state he represents.

Despite the setback, Schiff thanked supporter Joe Cotchett at the ritzy dinner in Burlingame, where he was commended for his resilience by Cotchett.

What a tough guy Adam Schiff is. Like most representatives of the liberal establishment, he looks like he is made out of suet. But without grit, he would have lacked the fortitude to continue clinging to the Trump Russia collusion hoax after everyone knew it was a lie.

Don’t worry, his fellow Dems have turned their attention to getting the crime wave they caused under control:

San Francisco Mayor London Breed is proposing various efforts to combat high crime rates, homelessness, and public drug use in the city. These initiatives aim to address the root causes of these issues…

By addressing the root causes of crime and social instability, communities can work towards creating safer and more inclusive environments for all residents.

In other words, liberals will continue to worsen the problem by financing and otherwise enabling the bums and drug fiends who have overrun leftist epicenters like San Franfreakshow.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Mar 30 2024

San Francisco Floods Bay With Ocean of Sewage

Hard to imagine a story more illustrative of the consequences of putting liberals in charge than this one about the Mecca of Moonbattery pouring gargantuan amounts of sewage into San Francisco Bay:

San Francisco has long been at the forefront of all things progressive: it was one of the first locales to begin decriminalizing marijuana, which of course devolved into the druggie free-for-all it now is; home to pederasts like Harvey Milk, the LGBTQ++ community, no matter how obscene (Folsom Street Fair) is always celebrated; it’s home to social programs like GIFT, which isn’t just ordinary welfare, but a handout that can pay out as much as $21,600 per enrollee and is exclusively for “trans” people; and the city has an official “Poop Patrol” department to clean up all the human fecal matter plopped around the sidewalks thanks to the sizable vagrant population.

And predictably, all that progressivism only reaps total destruction, coming back to bite the city in the rear-end in grand fashion; a longstanding nonprofit committed to the environmental health of the bay filed a lawsuit against the city’s utility commission for 1.2 billion gallons per year of sewage and trash-filled runoff flowing into the San Francisco Bay.

The filth flowing out of San Franfreakshow is described to be rich in “fecal matter, plastics, syringes, and condoms,” as you might expect.

The same sanctimonious moonbats who run this seeping pustule of political correctness won’t let people have gas furnaces and water heaters, on the grounds that they are allegedly offensive to the environment.

Down the Left Coast, we see a similar phenomenon in Los Angeles, which has been flooding the country with comparable quantities of sewage via Tinseltown.

On a tip from R F. Hat tip: Selwyn Duke.

Nov 04 2023

ChiComs Laugh at Collapse of San Francisco

The moonbattery-induced collapse of the erstwhile Golden State and specifically formerly beautiful San Francisco can be seen all the way from the other side of the Bamboo Curtain:

The beleaguered California city has been labelled a ‘total failure’ by some China-based outlets as the city prepares to host Chinese President Xi Jinping next week.

Once associated with the gold rush and scenic views, San Francisco is now known for producing moonbats like Nancy Pelosi and mayors Gavin Newsom, Dianne Feinstein, and London Breed.

[Chinese] headlines include the phrases ‘garbage city, ‘ruined city’ and ‘fallen city’, as crippling drug issues and widespread homeless problems continue to cause problems for the city.

The ChiComs are keeping tabs on American decline. They are aware of the Democrat Death Spiral:

Another headline from the Chinese site Phoenix also said the city had fallen into a ‘death cycle’.

Our communist adversaries chuckle that San Francisco collapsed into decay “as the Democrats advanced their radical agenda.”

ChiComs aren’t the only ones to notice this ship sinking under the weight of moonbattery. As public order disintegrates and the population degenerates into mobs of looters, retailers head for the lifeboats:

Over the past year, dozens of high profile retailers announced they would be vacating the downtown area of the city.

For example,

Retail stalwart Old Navy announced they would be shuttering their flagship store in the area last month, becoming the latest chain to exit the city.

Nordstrom also announced they would be closing all of their locations in the city.

According to leftists, it doesn’t matter that communism has failed spectacularly everywhere it has been imposed, because in America it will be different. Sure enough: in the hands of suet-soft politically correct liberals, American communism will be so bad that other communist regimes will laugh at it. They are laughing already.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Oct 21 2023

Child-Molesting Bum Offers Free Fentanyl Outside School

San Francisco is approaching peak liberalism — the point where people finally start pushing back against moonbattery:

An unhoused man who has been living across the street from a California school for more than two years is turning some heads with a sign that says, “Free fentanyl for new users.”

Evidently Adam Moore really does give free fentanyl to children.

Moore is a convicted sex offender who set up camp across the street from a Catholic grade school in San Francisco more than two years ago… Moore is on the Megan’s Law website for “lewd and lascivious acts with a child under the age of 14.” … Moore is apparently not considered a “high-risk” offender, so he does not have to follow the rule to stay 2,000 feet away from any school.

Finally a parent punched him in the face, and the police moved him along for camping on the sidewalk. Moore was even arrested on a probation violation.

Then, police decided to delay pursing the probation violation. He was out of custody Friday night.

He is pressing charges against the parent who allegedly punched him.

On tips from Wiggins, R F, and KirklesWorth.

Aug 18 2023

San Francisco Doom Loop Walking Tour

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. These days San Francisco is mostly known for the societal decay that is both the cause and main effect of liberalism. An enterprising soul is capitalizing with a sold-our tour:

The “Doom Loop Walking tour” promises an up close and personal view of “open-air drug markets, the abandoned tech offices, the outposts of the non-profit industrial complex, and the deserted department stores” that make up downtown San Francisco.

The tour guide is anonymous but claims to be a “card-carrying City Commissioner.”

Promising tourists they will find no better expert, the guide assures that patrons will discover the “policy choices that made America’s wealthiest city the nation’s innovative leader of housing crisis, addiction crisis, mental-health crisis, & unrepentant crime crisis.”

Being the center of the tech industry, San Francisco is still extravagantly wealthy. But no amount of money can buy you out of moonbattery.

“How can a city with a $14.6 billion annual budget be a model of urban decay? How can it spend $776.8 million per year on police and have no rule of law to show for it? How can it spend $690 million on homeless services and receive an official United Nations condemnation for its treatment of the homeless (“cruel and inhuman”; “violation of multiple human rights”)?” the tour guide posited.

If you would like a Doom Loop Walking Tour in your own town, all you have to do is vote Democrat. Before long you too can wallow in the depraved filth and squalor that characterize Pelosiland. Or you can just wait until Democrats have finished imposing it nationwide.

On tips from Chris Neilson and Dan G.

Aug 16 2023

San Francisco Uninhabitable for Federal Workers

As San Francisco enters end stage liberalism, the mess is piled so deep that Democrats can’t avoid stepping in what they created:

Officials at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services advised hundreds of employees in San Francisco to work remotely for the foreseeable future due to public safety concerns outside the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building on Seventh Street.

No one could be more Democrat than federal bureaucrats corroding the country inside a building named after Nasty Pelosi in San Francisco.

Too bad they can’t give themselves an exemption from local conditions. But liberal policy has made this once beautiful city unlivable for everybody. Equity has been achieved.

Dozens of dealers routinely plant themselves on, next to or across the street from the property, operating in shifts as users smoke, snort or shoot up their recent purchases. The property’s concrete benches are an especially popular site for users to get high, socialize or pass out.

Where recreational drug use has been permitted to flourish, other crime flourishes too, as do filth and violence.

The memo came on the same day that, according to Axios, President Biden’s White House chief of staff called for more federal employees to return to their offices after years of remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We’ve got a problem that dwarfs Covid. The disease that destroyed San Francisco has metastasized throughout the country. The same effect can be expected from coast to coast.

On tips from Anonymous and ABC of the ANC.

Jul 18 2023

Now Frozen Pizza Has to Be Locked Up

We have reached the point in the moonbattery-induced collapse of civilization where frozen pizza has to be kept locked up so that it isn’t shoplifted:

Shoplifters targeted the ice cream and pizza section of a Walgreens in San Francisco, which led to the chaining up of the freezer section to prevent theft, according to a tweet from reporter Betty Yu. San Francisco businesses are fleeing amid a surge of organized theft in the city.

Democrats effectively legalized shoplifting in single-party California. The inevitable consequences were easy to foresee.

Due to the dense concentration of moonbats, San Fransicko in particular has collapsed into anarchotyranny and is no longer inhabitable. While senior citizens are forbidden from parking on their own driveways, roving savages are free to rob stroller-pushing moms at will.

At least this will have the added bonus of preventing vermin from licking the ice cream so they can post video of it to social media:

On a tip from Franco.

Jul 05 2023

No Guns Needed in San Francisco

Maybe denying gun rights will work better in the USA than it has in France, where foreign savages roam the streets with belt-fed machine guns while the disarmed native population cowers in the closet. Maybe Democrats will manage to disarm not only the law-abiding, but criminals too. Then everything will be fine, like in the liberal mecca San Francisco:

Baseball bat-wielding gangs of children are mugging mothers and nannies on the school run in the latest crime wave to hit San Francisco.

Last week Noe Valley, also known as “stroller valley” because of the growing population of young families, endured 11 phone robberies that are believed to have been carried out by the same gang who are targeting women picking up children from school.

One woman was reportedly hit with a baseball bat, while another was punched in the face, before the offender ran to a getaway car and drove off.

No wonder the moonbats running New York City abandoned the stop and frisk policies that made the city safer under Rudy Giuliani. Why bother taking away their guns when the yutes would just as soon bash your head in with a club anyway?

Violent robberies are being carried out in broad daylight in wealthy enclaves such as Noe Valley, a tight-knit community, where free yoga classes are held every Sunday in the town square.

One victim of the string of recent attacks, who only wished to be identified as CW, said the police appeared to have “zero interest” in investigating her attack.

According to the ideology of the kooks running San Francisco, the police are the bad guys. They are racist. Crime is social justice. It would hardly be surprising to learn the police department is staffed with cynics who are only there to draw a paycheck. Most cops who think civilization is worth defending probably prefer to work where it isn’t a lost cause.

Assuming the well-to-do moms of Noe Valley are Democrats like virtually everyone who hasn’t fled Nancy Pelosi’s home district, they are getting what they voted for.

On a tip from Anonymous.

May 06 2023

Post-Covid Ghost Cities

The Democrat Death Spiral has been destroying American cities. Democrat policies drive out productive citizens, resulting in a population that elects increasingly left-wing Democrats, resulting in still more insane policies in a vicious circle. Eventually, no one is left but a core Democrat constituency living like rats and cockroaches amid decaying ruins (e.g., our formerly wealthiest city, Detroit). Covid tyranny has accelerated this tragic process:

The downtown areas of San Francisco, St. Louis, Portland, Oregon, and other North American cities remain deserted months after the pandemic waned, despite many urban areas bouncing back to life, new data show.

Researchers tracked smartphone use across 63 cities and found that San Francisco, which is battling waves of crime and homeless addicts on its streets, only has 32 percent of the activity that was recorded before the pandemic.

Other cities were able to put Covid behind them when people came back to work:

Salt Lake City has bounced back strongest, with 139 percent more cell phone activity nowadays than was seen before COVID-19 arrived…

This is about more than Democrats paralyzing local economies in the name of Covid:

The research adds to fears that soft-on-crime policies in ultra-liberal cities like San Francisco and Portland have driven up rates of lawlessness and other social problems, leading to an exodus of people as part of a longer-term decline.

A healthy city can recover from setbacks like the hysterical Covid overreaction. Cities run by moonbats tend not to be healthy.

On a tip from Dennis in Seattle.

May 03 2023

Nordstrom Forced to Close San Francisco Stores

San Francisco has reached the point in the Democrat Death Spiral where it is becoming impossible to do business there. Consequently, Nordstrom is closing both its stores in this mecca of moonbattery:

The company’s chief stores officer notified employees in an email that “the dynamics of the downtown San Francisco market have changed dramatically over the past several years, impacting customer foot traffic to our stores and our ability to operate successfully.”

Those dynamics involve the homelessness and crime that result from liberal policy. Derelicts are lavishly subsidized. Shoplifting is effectively legal in San Francisco. Crime control consists of paying thugs not to shoot people.

One of the stores was at the Westfield mall, according to whose owner, “a growing number of retailers and businesses are leaving the area due to the unsafe conditions for customers, retailers, and employees.”

Even a company that would seem a natural fit for the kooky liberal elitists of San Francisco is bailing out:

In April, the Whole Foods in downtown San Francisco closed its doors just one year after opening due to deteriorating street conditions, namely increased drug use and crime, nearby.

Walgreens has been forced to close 17 stores in San Francisco.

No wonder a majority of San Francisco residents are considering leaving.

Unfortunately, with the same sort of people running the federal government, they will soon run out of places to go. Gavin Newsom will likely be our next president if Democrats are forced to abandon the Weekend at Biden’s shtick and Republicans nominate someone unelectable. He used to be Mayor of San Francisco.

On tips from Jack D and Wiggins.

Feb 22 2023

San Francisco Backs Down From Ban on Unwoke States

The maxim “Get woke, go broke” applies beyond corporations that put politically correct posturing ahead of the bottom line. It can apply to whole cities, like the moonbat Mecca, San Francisco, which may have to repeal its ban on doing business with states that do not sufficiently comply with leftist ideology:

The ordinance was passed in 2016. Chapter 12X was voted into existence in the wake of the Obergefell v. Hodges decision and it took aim at states that passed so-called anti-LGBTQ legislation. The boycott was amended twice in 2019 and 2021 to add additional states which passed restrictive abortion and voting rights legislation.

Allegedly restrictive voting rights legislation refers to attempts to prevent the election fraud Democrats rely on to win close elections.

Instead of forcing the rest of the country to become San Francisco, the ordinance blew up in moonbat bureaucrats’ slack-jawed faces.

City Administrator Carmen Chu’s office issued a report on February 10 that contended the law was costly and ineffective. …

“Since 12X became operative, the number of banned states has grown from 8 states in 2017 to 30 in 2022. This increase suggests that the city’s threat of boycott may not serve as a compelling deterrent to states considering restrictive policies,” the report stated.

Sometimes reality penetrates the insulation of solipsistic arrogance that allows left-wing kooks to believe the rest of the world will comply with their demands.

The report also found that the ban has caused San Francisco’s contracting costs to jump by approximately 10-20%.

The ban accomplishes nothing except to showcase the intolerant bullying that characterizes liberals and to drive up costs for taxpayers.

Supervisor Rafael Mandelman also told the San Francisco Chronicle that he will introduce legislation to repeal the ordinance entirely.

Maybe California won’t be able to impose itself on the rest of the country after all.

On tips from Franco, Georgi A, and Bluto.


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