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May 17 2023

French Senator Fined for Objecting to France’s Murder

As race-based fines are imposed, they can be applied to those who object to the soft genocide of unlawfully displacing the American population with millions of grasping invaders from the Third World. Democrats can learn from the dying country France:

A French senator was ordered to pay a fine of €1,000 on Friday after a Marseille court ruled that his tweet from July 2021 claiming that “immigration is killing the youth of France” was akin to racial defamation.

Stéphane Ravier, who was a National Rally senator at the time of the tweet before joining Éric Zemmour’s Reconquête in 2022, had posted a photo of a young salesman at a phone store killed with a knife the day before in Seine-et-Marne, accompanying it with the following message: “Theo, 18, murdered yesterday by a Senegalese in #ClayeSouilly. Immigration is killing the youth of France.”

Ravier was found guilty of “racial defamation.” Good thing for him they don’t still use guillotines over there.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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