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Jun 13 2024

German Guy Identifies as Policewoman

A guy can identify as a woman, why can’t he identify as a policewoman? From Germany:

Born as Ömer K., trans woman Lara K. (27) patrolled the capital for months – as a fake police officer: she [sic] helped real “colleagues”, travelled in patrol cars and even went to the shooting range.

Until she [sic] was caught in 2019 – wearing full police gear, carrying handcuffs, a special baton and a blank-firing weapon. Now, four years (!) later, the trial takes place at the Berlin district court.

There was no need to rush the trial. Ömer I mean Lara was already in prison serving a 7-year sentence.

She [sic] was sentenced in 2021 for robbing bank customers at ATMs. Sentenced as Ömer at the time, she [sic] is now in a women’s prison.

Because of course he is.

Ömer K. admits to all the various charges against him with one exception:

She [sic] only denies possession of child pornography.

Is it possible that even transsexuals have a vestigial concept of shame?


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