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Feb 06 2023

Gigantic New FBI Headquarters Twice Size of Pentagon

Its largest structures are an indication of what a society is centered on. For example, the pyramids testify to ancient Egyptians’ focus on the afterlife. American society was founded on the principle of limited government. Tragically, this noble principle was rotted away by leftism. Now, the nucleus is all-powerful, omnipresent centralized government. Its primary enforcement arm is the alarmingly politicized FBI, which is getting a new home befitting its significance:

The massive new building/complex will be, at minimum, double the size of the Pentagon, which, until very recently, was the largest office building on the face of the planet. The Bureau’s new headquarters will be built on one of three selected sites in suburban Virginia and Maryland, all of which are between 58 and 80 acres in size.

This means that the Feds’ new building may potentially end up being even larger than the Kremlin, which covers a staggering 66 acres.

The KGB has been eclipsed by its emulator.

The fact that the FBI, the U.S.’s domestic intelligence and security service and federal law enforcement arm, will soon have a home dwarfing that of the department of defense charged with guaranteeing our national security and protecting us from myriad threats from abroad, speaks volumes about the Biden administration.

If our rulers had any interest in defending the country from foreign threats, the border would be closed in an hour. Our government regards us as its only real enemy.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.


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3 Responses to “Gigantic New FBI Headquarters Twice Size of Pentagon”

  1. […] wonder the KGB I mean FBI is getting a new HQ twice the size of the Pentagon. It takes a big agency to monitor the many Americans who are Threats to Democracy — like […]


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