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Feb 09 2023

FBI Targets Traditional Catholics

No wonder the KGB I mean FBI is getting a new HQ twice the size of the Pentagon. It takes a big agency to monitor the many Americans who are Threats to Democracy — like traditional Catholics:

A document released by an FBI whistleblower indicates the agency plans to intensify its “assessment” and “mitigation” of “Radical Traditionalist Catholics” over the next 12 to 24 months due to alleged concerns that “white nationalists” are increasingly making common cause online with attendees of the Latin Mass.

A “white nationalist” can be defined as anyone with pale skin leftists don’t like.

The report alleges that its real motivation is a concern that “Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology” possesses an “anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBT, and white supremacy” outlook, and that this presents a threat to the US’s domestic well-being.

Let’s not forget Islamophobic. The report expresses alarm that Catholics have made “crusader references.” According to progressives, the selfless heroes of the Crusades were the bad guys because they attempted to defend Christians in the Holy Lands from Muslim conquerors.

The emphasis on targeting Americans for their religious beliefs may help uncover more public enemies like Mark Houck. Why wait for them to get in an altercation with a moonbat before sending in a SWAT team to terrorize them for their incorrect views?

Among the most controversial aspects of the memo is that it directly cites a defamatory study conducted by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) on the subject “Radical Traditional Catholicism.” The SPLC has long been rejected as a legitimate resource for the FBI, Seraphin says, but in this instance, it is being relied on as a primary source to justify its efforts. The memo also references three anti-Catholic smear articles (here, here, and here) published by leftwing websites Salon and The Atlantic to defend its monitoring.

The SPLC is a hard left hate group that pushes malicious moonbattery to the point of self-parody and beyond. For example, it has denounced the milquetoast-mannered Ben Carson as an “extremist” and has tried to cancel Dr Seuss. It accuses the blog Jihad Watch — which exists to keep an eye on actual violent extremists — of “violent extremism.” According to the SPLC, hate is not hate if you hate people you are supposed to hate, namely Caucasians.

The SPLC directly inspired gay rights terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins to shoot up the offices of the Family Research Council. But doesn’t need misfit maniacs like Corkins anymore.

In our unfolding police state, the SPLC will provide the brains; the FBI will provide the muscle.

Hat tip: Canon212.


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2 Responses to “FBI Targets Traditional Catholics”

  1. […] FBI has been spying on “Radical Traditionalist Catholics,” who are deemed by Democrats to be a threat to security. If only he were American, the Mark […]


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