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Aug 03 2024

Grossophobic Enters Liberal Lexicon

Normally updates to the Newspeak Dictionary entail deletion of innocuous words our moonbat rulers have arbitrarily canceled. But sometimes new words are added — like “grossophobic”:

A French DJ who performed during the Paris Olympics’ opening ceremony has filed a legal complaint after receiving abuse online.

Barbara Butch took part in a drag queen sequence during the event which sparked controversy as viewers interpreted it as a reference to The Last Supper.

Despite insolent lies to the contrary, there is no doubt the repugnant spectacle was intended as a desecration of the Last Supper.

A lawyer for Barbara Butch said the DJ “has been threatened with death, torture and rape, and has also been the target of numerous antisemitic, homophobic, sexist and grossophobic insults”.

In a great leap forward for totalitarianism, Butch is calling on the French government to punish people for finding her disgusting.

While stridently portraying herself as a victim, the crybully shrieked, “All my life, I’ve refused to be a victim: I won’t shut up.” No doubt the second part is true.

“Grossophobic” is a revolutionary linguistic innovation, considering the moonbat proneness to repulsiveness. Now it is thoughtcrime not to find them appealing.

On a tip from Steve T.


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