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Aug 15 2024

Gun Violence and Suicide

If Democrats are able to hold the White House despite running the conspicuously awful Harris/Walz ticket, we are on the fast track to single-party rule. Once they have the leverage, Democrats will implement their full agenda. This will require disarming the population, as when likeminded leftists seized control in Russia, China, Venezuela, et cetera. Prepare for a deluge of rhetoric regarding “gun violence.” Counter it with facts from sponsor

Gun violence is going down, not up:

Homicide rates in the United States dropped by 21% from 2022 to 2023, with firearm-related homicides decreasing by 25% during the same period, returning firearm-related homicide rates to pre-2020 levels at 4.7 per 100,000 people.

Nationally, there was a 16% decrease in the total number of firearm-related deaths in 2023, with firearm-related suicides declining by 13% and firearm-related homicides dropping by 20%.

Most gun deaths in the USA are suicides. This is the more true the higher the rate of gun ownership:

Wyoming has more firearms per capita than any other state, with 245.8 per 1,000 people. In 2023, Wyoming had 107 firearm-related deaths, of which 89% were suicides and 9% were homicides.

In contrast, New Jersey has the fewest firearms per capita, with 1.1 per 1,000 people, yet 337 people died from gun-related incidents in 2023. Only 31% of these deaths were suicides…

[O]nly 16.7% of Maryland residents own firearms, yet 80% of the state’s gun deaths are homicides. On the other hand, 65.7% of Montana residents own firearms, and only 19.3% of gun deaths are homicides.

Gun ownership does not affect the suicide rate; rather, where there is higher lawful gun ownership, guns are less likely to be used to kill other people.

Restricting guns won’t solve suicide; where there is a will, there is a way. The problem is that people don’t want to live anymore. A cause of this is the malaise, hopelessness, and mental illness inflicted or encouraged by Democrats.

Let’s not commit suicide as a nation by giving them more power.


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