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Aug 12 2023

Jonah Goldberg Denounces Small Donors

A countermoonbat should take inspiration from Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment and aspire to have no enemies on the right. Despite marketing himself as a conservative, liberal establishmentarian Jonah Goldberg does not count.

Intones Goldberg on the progressive propaganda platform CNN:

“Now small donors are one of the biggest problems for democracy, for the GOP. Because small donor — large donors actually have a strategic view about moderation, who can win, who can’t. Small donors really are just venting their spleen with their credit card, and they lock candidates into positions that can hurt them in the general election.”

True enough, small donors “venting their spleen” — or rather, voting with their pocketbooks and their hearts — won’t always support candidates and positions best suited to win in the general election. That is the price of keeping candidates honest. What is the point of giving if you will only give to the causes and candidates already expected to win?

What Goldberg first said sticks in the mind as quintessential liberal elitism: “small donors are one of the biggest problems for democracy.”

When liberals say “democracy,” they usually mean “Democrat rule.” Uncoincidentally, Trump has been blowing away Biden in support from small donors.

The two top Democrat donors in the last cycle were Bond villain George Soros and crypto swindler Sam Bankman-Fried. Those are the people who should be selecting the oligarchy’s representatives, not regular Americans giving $200.

On a tip from Varla.


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One Response to “Jonah Goldberg Denounces Small Donors”

  1. […] Moonbattery highlights Jonah Goldberg’s GOPe hatred of small donors […]


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