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Category: Liberal Media

Jul 26 2024

Orders From Headquarters on Border Czar Kamala

Now that Queen Kamala has been coronated by the shadowy forces controlling the Democratic Party, the liberal media is once again all on the same page. Here’s the page:

The Democrat apparatchiks comprising the “mainstream” media are so good at sticking to the same talking points, you could almost suspect they are a borg with a single hive mind. But dramatic historical revisions like Oceania always having been at war with Eastasia and Kamala Harris never having been the border czar require specific orders.

The establishment media has no more credibility than Pravda did in Stalin’s time. Liberals really are recreating the Soviet Union. First as tragedy, second as farce, as their guiding light Karl Marx would say.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jul 25 2024

History Rewritten After Crowning of Queen Kamala

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. By the same token, Kamala Harris — who was ranked the most extreme leftist in the US Senate — has always been a moderate. On behalf of the Democratic Party, the liberal establishment has spoken:

GovTrack, an organization that tracks congressional voting records, confirmed to Fox News Digital it had removed a 2019 web page that ranked Kamala Harris as that year’s “most liberal” U.S. senator sometime within the last two weeks.

The self-described “government transparency website” scored Harris as the “most liberal compared to all senators” in 2019, outranking Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren at the time.

“Transparency” is Liberalese for “opacity.”

It should be noted that Sanders and Warren are effectively communists.

If Elon Musk didn’t own Twitter, this might be memory holed:

Likewise, Cackling Kamala used to be the Border Czar. Now, in light of the border being an unmitigated catastrophe, she was never the Border Czar, according to the same Axios that repeatedly referred to her as the Border Czar:

Like they used to say in the USSR, the future is certain; it’s the past that keeps changing. If Democrats hold on to power, America will be the Soviet Union recreated by degenerate mental defectives.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket. Hat tip: Legal Insurrection.

Jul 24 2024

Joy Reid Tells Blacks to Vote As They’re Told

There is no sane reason to vote for Kamala Harris. So the media will resort to an insane reason: vote for the (partially) black woman or you are a racist.

As you would expect from a spinoff of Joe “You Ain’t Black” Biden’s administration, the Cackling Kamala campaign will apply this racial bullying with particular force on blacks, who according to liberal ideology are not individual people but instances of a collectivist borg that is racially obligated to vote Democrat:

[Yesterday] Joy Reid of MSNBC told black Americans that they would “look real crazy” if they chose not to vote for Harris.

All they can sell Harris on, aside from the liberal sacrament of abortion, is race and gender.

“You’re gonna look real crazy being on the other side of that line, particularly as a person of color, but really as anyone who claims to have any connection to the culture,” the repellent Reid said in a tone of condescension.

Kamala continues to be DEI incarnate. What Kimberly Cheatle was to Secret Service directors, Harris would be to presidents.

Female gender does not count for Amy Coney Barrett, just as nonwhite race does not count even for a kook like Amber Rose, because absolute conformity to moonbattery is required to activate “oppressed” privilege.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 18 2024

Too Late to Suppress Iconic Trump Photo

Liberals in the media want to suppress the iconic picture above capturing Trump’s defiance after being shot in the ear during an assassination attempt. The self-appointed “guardians of memoryunderstand its power:

An editor at a major news outlet wants the press to stop using the iconic photo of the assassination attempt against Donald Trump because it represents ‘free PR’ for his campaign.

The unnamed editor told Axios that sharing the historic photo of the former president standing after he survived the attempt on his life is ‘dangerous despite how good it is.’ Their outlet wasn’t named either, but it said to receive millions of regular readers.

Liberal-leaning Axios reported that multiple unnamed photographers told them they were worried the image taken by Pulitzer winner Evan Fucci could turn into ‘photoganda’ by the Trump campaign to ‘further their agenda, despite the photographers’ intent of capturing a news event.’

The likeminded Chinese Communist Party also wants to suppress the picture:

Chinese consumers went wild for T-shirts bearing the now-iconic photo of a bloodied Trump rising up from the stage and raising his fist beneath an American flag.

On Tuesday, Chinese censors apparently moved to block sales of the T-shirts and yank them from major e-commerce platforms.

Too late. Trump is now legend. Neither the mainstream media nor the ChiComs can erase him. His courageous defiance has touched a chord throughout the world. Try as they might, leftists can’t untouch it.

On tips from KirklesWorth, Jester, and seaoh.

Jul 17 2024

The View Harpies Blame Guns, White Guys, America

Unencumbered by taste or intelligence, the harpies of ABC’s The View take point in exploiting the Trump assassination attempt to attack our right of self-defense.

Screeches Sunny Hostin:

“I say now is the time to talk about the common denominator when it came to this assassination attempt, is America’s fascination and obsession with owning guns.”

Why blame her fellow liberals’ hysterical demonization of Trump when you can pin it on America itself and one of the key liberties that define it?

Thomas Matthew Brooks didn’t do it; his white skin and the gun did. Just ask Ana Navarro:

“It was a 20-year-old lone wolf, White whack job with easy access to a gun, and we have to have a conversation about that…”

For her part, Behar couldn’t understand why it didn’t raise red flags that a “White guy” bought 50 rounds of ammo. Surely no one needs more than 10 for a trip to the range.

As for the shooter’s motive, The View brain trust concluded that nobody knows.

On tips from Barry A and WDS 2.0.

Jul 16 2024

That Didn’t Age Well

Sometimes liberal publications like Business Insider make for interesting reading — if you could use a good laugh. From last September:

Tucker Carlson baselessly claimed that the political establishment is plotting to assassinate former President Donald Trump because they “just can’t have” him as president again.

Baseless? They hyped their base into a homicidal frenzy.

The former Fox News host peddled the conspiracy theory in an interview with anti-woke comedian Adam Carolla…

Coming from the moonbats at Business Insider, “anti-woke” is a pejorative.

“If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment, and none of them work. What’s next? Graph it out, man. We’re speeding toward assassination, obviously,” [Tucker] said.

If it wasn’t obvious then, it is now.

Alex Jones and Dan Bongino also saw it coming, for which Business Insider denounced them as far-right conspiracy theorists. Naturally their allegedly inflammatory prediction was related to the minor unruliness on January 6, the most significant day in human history according to the liberal religion.

Maybe Business Insider will publish a piece admitting that Tucker was right. Maybe Joe Biden will pass an IQ test. Maybe I’ll grow wings and fly off to the moon.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jul 15 2024

Media Blames Trump and His Supporters

The apparatchiks comprising the Democratic Party–mainstream media axis of evil have never been more arrogant than following the assassination attempt on Trump they went out of their way to inspire. Their astonishing response has been to blame Trump and his supporters for allegedly inflammatory rhetoric.

Former Clintonista George Stephanopoulos discards whatever might be left of the media’s credibility:

ABC host George Stephanopoulos said Sunday on “This Week” that Donald Trump and his supporters have contributed to “violent rhetoric” while discussing yesterday’s assassination attempt on the former president.

Predictably, his cohost Martha Raddatz agreed:

“Absolutely, George. We were just looking back this morning at some of the things that former President Trump has said.”

Just as predictably, she fell back on the minor riot of 1/6/21, the closest thing left to a card they have to play:

“And let’s remember January 6th. In so many ways, for the campaign, January 6th will probably be in the background after yesterday’s event.”

Rather it will be in the foreground, no matter how irrelevant, for those who reside inside the liberal propaganda bubble.

Former Obama Communications Director and Biden Press Secretary and current MSNBC host Jen Psaki is on the same page:

“[The Republican] convention is starting and unless the programming changes, the rhetoric and how the programming is set up is not actually calming the tone or restoring civility.”

Being a moonbat, Psaki reflexively portrays herself as the victim:

“For anyone out there who has a platform who thinks the moment right now is to be political and attack the other party — you are feeding into the danger. You are making it more likely there’s retaliation. I’m incredibly scared. I’m scared for journalists.”

You would think someone had just shot her ear off.

Meanwhile, Democrats are sweeping their own rhetoric under the rug:

Biden is “pausing all outbound communications and working to pull down our television ads as quickly as possible,” a campaign official told The Wall Street Journal on Sunday morning.

The ads would have likely labeled Trump as an existential threat ahead of the 2024 election.

Hyperbolic Democrat rhetoric is likely to have inspired the assassination attempt — which is precisely why Stephanopoulos, Psaki, et al. are accusing conservatives of dangerous rhetoric.

This rhetoric often conflates Trump with dictators, including Adolf Hitler, and suggests he would end “Democracy” if elected.

Just on Friday, Biden appeared at a campaign rally in Michigan, where he labeled Trump a “threat to this nation.”

Democrats are counting on the public to forget everything they said prior to Saturday afternoon. But some remember that Oceania has not always been at war with Eastasia:

On tips from Wiggins, taxpayer22, and WDS 2.0.

Jul 13 2024

CNN: Biden Handlers Beat the Sh** Out of Skeptics

These days language alerts may be needed for clips from CNN, which has joined other liberal establishment propaganda platforms in turning on Joe Biden.

MJ Lee reports on how Biden’s inner circle keeps those who question his fitness in line:

“This is what one top Democrat told me, they said, ‘Everyone who expresses any level of suspicion or contrary views, they call everyone, and they beat the sh** out of them and say stay on message.’”

Let’s go to the video:

Nice try CNN, but if everyone else has known about Biden’s senility for years, his handlers couldn’t have prevented you from knowing about it too. You helped place Biden in power. Your credibility is shot.

On tips from The Great Cornholio and Jester.

Jul 09 2024

BBC Version of 1066 Has Black Britons

As George Orwell wrote in his instruction manual for modern liberals,

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.”

Here’s how the entertainment industry applies the strategy:

The BBC has chosen a “racially diverse cast” to play the characters in its upcoming historical drama about the Battle of Hastings, which occurred in 1066, leading one historian to decry the “bizarre notion that there were black earls in Anglo-Saxon England.”

The BBC inspired Orwell to name the torture chamber at the Ministry of Love “Room 101.” Once again this coercively subsidized propaganda platform pushes moonbattery to the furthest limits of self-parody. It would not be more preposterous to have an earl in Medieval England played by a talking kangaroo.

Maybe the BBC is hoping viewers will tune in to see whether William the Conqueror was now a transvestite. Or maybe the Beeb doesn’t care whether people watch the crap it excretes, since they have to pay for it regardless.

We can’t lay all the blame on Britain’s socialized media:

The eight-part series King and Conqueror, which is a CBS Studios co-production, will feature numerous non-white characters, including one taking the role of a real 11th-century leader.

This should at least prevent people from taking anything from CBS at face value — not that anyone does anyway.

Among those contributing to the DEI,

Black actor Jason Forbes will play the fictional character Thane Thomas, “with the “thanes” being a layer of nobility in the ethnically homogeneous society of Anglo-Saxon England,” reports the Telegraph.

Within a few generations, Britain will always have been populated by BIPOCs.

By erasing British history, they are retroactively erasing the British people. Immigration policy will see to the erasure going forward.

On a tip from The Great Cornholio.

Jul 08 2024

The View Remains Servilely Loyal to Biden

Consistent with the nasty edge to his senility, Biden has been lashing out peevishly at other Democrats who have been forced to admit that he is unfit for office. It might improve his mood to remember that at least he still has the cast of The View on his side:

Whoopi waits for someone to show her that Biden can’t do the job. Biden himself has been showing everyone that for 3½ years.

From The View’s point of view, not even the mainstream media is dutifully partisan enough:

These moonbats are responsible for installing opinions into the empty heads of their daytime network television audience. Alarmingly, some of that audience votes.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Anonymous.

Jun 27 2024

Can Biden Win Even a Rigged Debate?

Imagine a football game where the referees are selected from the coaching staff of the home team. The rigging of tonight’s debate is so obvious, it can be seen from across the sea:

When it’s over, the media will tell us Biden won no matter how pathetic his performance. Expectations are so low that it will be considered a draw if he just manages not to noticeably soil himself.

Yet even with the deck stacked against him, Trump is likely to give Creepy Joe the kick in the pants he so richly deserves.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jun 05 2024

Get Woke Go Broke: WaPo Edition

Good thing capitalism blessed Jeff Bezos with so many $billions. He may need every penny to keep his Marxist propaganda rag afloat:

Washington Post publisher and CEO William Lewis had a blunt message for his staff during a tense meeting following the sudden ouster of executive editor Sally Buzbee, according to the paper’s own reporting.

Yelps Lewis:

“We are losing large amounts of money. Your audience has halved in recent years. People are not reading your stuff. Right. I can’t sugarcoat it anymore.”

“Democracy Dies in Darkness” proclaims the sophomorically left-wing publication. Make that, “Moonbattery Dies in the Light.” Living under Biden has shined a klieg light on what leftist politics entails for our future. Nobody except journalists is buying liberal BS anymore — and they can’t make money selling it to themselves.

The Jeff Bezos-owned paper lost more than $70 million in 2023 and lost 50% of its audience in the same period, according to The New York Times.

In the final quarter of 2023, the Post implemented staff buyouts in order to prevent mass layoffs.

They ought to learn to code. Isn’t that what liberal journalists said people working in the energy industry should do? The difference is that we need energy; nobody needs the Washington Post.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 04 2024

Joy Behar Urinates Herself in an Ecstasy of Malice

Our descent into tyranny means happy times for evil idiots like Joy Behar, who was so delighted over the leading presidential candidate being found guilty of politically motivated felony charges in a preposterous show trial that she publicly wet herself:

While the ladies [sic] of The View don’t usually film the show live on Fridays, they all gathered [last Friday] to react to the Republican’s guilty verdict in his Manhattan hush money trial.

‘I was at Costco buying 10 boxes of Keurig coffee,’ Joy shared with viewers.

‘My watch started to buzz, and I got so excited, I started leaking a little bit.’

Our descent into the societal decay that makes tyranny possible means that people like this install opinions into the heads of voters. If we degenerate any further, Democrats won’t feel the need to arrest their political opponents.

On tips from Varla and KirklesWorth.

May 24 2024

Ashley Biden’s Diary May Help Bring Down MSM

If there was any doubt even after Hunter Biden’s laptop that the media establishment has no credibility and serves only to secure the power of the Democratic Party, Ashley Biden’s diary has put it to rest:

In 2019, Ashley Biden, the then 37-year-old daughter of President Biden and his wife Jill, wrote in her journal about showering with her father at an inappropriate age as well as her fears that, as a child, she was sexually abused. …

After undergoing treatment in rehab, Ashley moved to a halfway house in Florida, where she left the diary under a mattress.

It was released to the public. Astonishingly, the media has refused to report this bombshell story, even in light of Biden’s incessant inappropriate behavior around little girls. The New York Times would acknowledge only that the diary was stolen but not what was in it.

They tried to get us to believe that Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation.” That dog wouldn’t hunt, so this time around they are lying only by omission.

Ashley herself has now confirmed – in a court document made public last month – that the diary is indeed authentic.

The double standard is more obvious than ever:

If this were the diary entry of a Trump daughter, the media would be at DEFCON 1. This would be front-page news, the sole focus of special Rachel Maddow furrowed-brow editions, MSNBC and CNN primetime investigations, the incessant drumbeat of every Sunday show and op-ed from now until election day, the left-wing press demanding answers.

The media is powerful, yet despite its best efforts to demonize Trump and whitewash Biden, it appears increasingly unlikely that Democrats will hold on to power without resorting to significant election fraud.

What Biden has been doing to US currency through inflation, the media that put him in the White House is doing to its own credibility. When people stop taking the MSM seriously, its power will crumble, as will the power of the party it exists to prop up.

On a tip from 100 Bravo.


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