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Jun 21 2021

Juneteenth Traditions Already Take Root

Our new holiday enshrining critical race theory as the national religion to reward black supremacists and their allies for hundreds of riots that injured thousands of police officers and caused $billions in damages is so important that the CDC postponed an emergency meeting on postvaccination heart inflammation in its honor. Each of the old deprecated holidays waiting to be canceled was celebrated in its own traditional way. Likewise, Juneteenth will be celebrated with traditions that are already taking shape.

Unsurprisingly, Juneteenth will not be the favorite holiday of law enforcement officers. In Michigan:

A man in a car allegedly drove up to a police officer in Michigan who was working a Juneteenth parade and opened fire on the officer.

“Upon investigation, the Flint Police Officer was working a traffic point at the Juneteenth Champions Parade when an individual in a vehicle drove up and shot at the officer,” NBC 25 reported.

The Black Lives Matter agenda isn’t only about waging war on the police. It is also about wallowing in the anarchy that results when the police have been defunded, hamstrung, marginalized, and demoralized. In California:

A fatal shooting at Lake Merritt, Oakland, left a 22-year-old man dead and five others injured on Saturday during an event to mark Juneteenth.

In North Carolina:

An emergency responder was shot while on duty during a Juneteenth event at Roberts Park in Raleigh. …

The EMS worker was assisting with a medical call for a child who was at Roberts Park.

While the responder was walking back to his vehicle, multiple shots were fired across the park. Those bullets hit the ambulance and the emergency responder, according to officials.

In New Jersey:

A celebration gave way to rioting in Long Branch, New Jersey. Hundreds of people took to the streets in a Juneteenth celebration that quickly turned violent, the Lakewood Scoop reported.

Police in full riot gear had to be dispatched to the area in order to quell the unrest. The reasoning for the riot is unknown at this time.

Unknown? It was Juneteenth!

In Pennsylvania:

Police are investigating a triple shooting in West Philadelphia that left two men dead and a 3-year-old child injured.

At last word, no arrests had been made in Philadelphia. However, there is a silver lining. The aptly named Danielle Outlaw is Philadelphia Police Commissioner. Her qualifications consist mainly of being a black woman, but in addition, she used to be Chief of Police in infamously anarchic Portland. Ms. Outlaw was able to promote progress by shoehorning the violence into a politically correct context:

“As many of us began the day celebrating Juneteenth for the first time as a Federally recognized holiday, we again found ourselves lamenting as an otherwise beautiful afternoon had been sullied with gun violence. …

Every act of gun violence is tragic. …

While holiday celebrations will continue throughout the city, our investigators will work tirelessly to bring justice to all of those affected by the scourge of gun violence.”

The guns did it, not the criminal lowlifes police are no longer allowed to keep under control. After the same Democrats who unleashed this chaos by siding with rioters against the police confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens, all will be well.

I hope you enjoy violence, chaos, and moonbattery more than the barbecues, fireworks, and patriotism that have traditionally marked the Fourth of July, because that is the holiday Juneteenth was fabricated to displace from the calendar. Evanston is a half-step ahead of the rest of the country in this regard. From Illinois:

Celebrate every Fourth of July as if it were the last one to be officially acknowledged, because unless there is a dramatic reversal, it will soon be canceled. Just as losing the Culture War to liberals means trading Adriana Lima for Megan Rapinoe, it means trading the Fourth of July for Juneteenth.

On tips from SafeSpace47, MAS, Bluto, Chris Neilson, Chuck A, JackisBack, and KirklesWorth.


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