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Aug 15 2024

Kamala Harris Threatens Price Controls on Food

Kamala Harris has a solution to the skyrocketing food costs caused by her party’s wasteful spending and war on energy — price controls:

Harris will call for a federal ban on food and grocery price gouging as part of a broader set of proposals intended to reduce consumer costs, her campaign said in a preview of the first policy speech of her nascent presidential bid.

“Price gouging” is what Marxists call letting the free market determine prices.

Profit margins are notoriously low in the grocery industry. That’s okay; if Democrats drive supermarkets out of business, government grocery stores can take their place.

As anyone with even a grade school grasp of economics understands, price controls mean shortages.

Eat up while you can. When Marxists kill by the millions, the main cause of death is starvation.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Wiggins.


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6 Responses to “Kamala Harris Threatens Price Controls on Food”

  1. […] Fast forward to now. Here’s what will happen if Kamala Harris is able to impose her promised price controls on food. […]

  2. […] Fast forward to now. Here’s what will happen if Kamala Harris is able to impose her promised price controls on food. […]

  3. […] race-baiting a.k.a. cultural Marxism, all they have left is classic economic Marxism —which has killed many tens of millions by starvation. Now might be a good time to start […]

  4. […] race-baiting a.k.a. cultural Marxism, all they have left is classic economic Marxism —which has killed many tens of millions by starvation. Now might be a good time to start […]

  5. […] price controls on food don’t scare you enough to fight Democrats tooth and nail, consider Kamala Harris’s plan […]

  6. […] price controls on food don’t scare you enough to fight Democrats tooth and nail, consider Kamala Harris’s plan to tax […]


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