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Aug 13 2024

Chicago Moves Closer to Government Grocery Stores

Due largely to rampant shoplifting resulting from the collapse of law & order under liberal rule, grocery stores have been forced to closed in the moonbat dystopia Chicago. Pro-criminal Mayor Brandon Johnson responded by suggesting that the government provide grocery stores. This great leap forward toward communism is advancing:

[A] feasibility study created for the city describes a municipal grocery model as “necessary, feasible, and implementable.”

The study recommends the city pursue some version of a municipally owned store or stores — and finds such stores could even turn a profit.

Walmart can’t turn a profit in parts of Chicago that have succumbed to the Democrat Death Spiral. Yet we are asked to believe moonbat bureauweenies can do it — even though making a profit is morally wrong according to their Marxist ideology.

[C]ity policy chief S. Mayumi “Umi” Grigsby said internal and external working groups will now work on finalizing a proposal for a store or stores. The city would then be ready to apply for funding for such a project, including from a new $20 million state grocery initiative.

From such relatively tiny acorns grow massive black holes of government waste. As Chicago runs out of money and government grocery stores spread to other cities, the feds will step in with funding, printing currency as necessary to cover the five-finger discounts.

Like everything else pushed by Democrats, this makes no sense economically but plenty sense in terms of exerting power.

It was through control of food that Stalin was able to subjugate Ukraine during the Holodomor. Communism ran up its 20th century body count of 100 million primarily by imposing starvation.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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2 Responses to “Chicago Moves Closer to Government Grocery Stores”

  1. […] low in the grocery industry. That’s okay; if Democrats drive supermarkets out of business, government grocery stores can take their […]


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