Killing People by Harvesting Organs in Canada
It is scary enough that Canada’s system of socialized medicine implements death by chemical drowning as therapy for poverty, mental illness, and needing a wheelchair lift. Now they are considering a ghastlier means of executing the medically inconvenient — harvesting their organs while they are still alive:
Canadian doctors have suggested killing euthanasia victims by taking their organs, according to multiple reports, whistleblowers, and public talks.
The harvested organs are fresher that way.
“The best use of my organs, if I’m going to receive a medically assisted death, might be to not first kill me and then retrieve my organs, but to have my mode of death — as we medically consider death now — to be to retrieve my organs,” said Rob Sibbald, an ethicist of the London Health Sciences Centre in Ontario.
Godless “ethicists” could chill the blood of Satan himself.
Other Canadian doctors have publicly embraced “death by donation,” and a study came out earlier this year exploring euthanasia programs such as MAID as a means of organ harvesting. Canada legalized euthanasia in 2016, and since then the number of Canadians using MAID to kill themselves has significantly increased.
At the top of the slippery slope, MAID was only used to kill patients likely to die soon. No longer.
According to disabled whistleblower Roger Foley, who has been repeatedly pressured to submit to euthanasia,
“It could be they’re already doing euthanasia by organ harvesting, we just don’t know about it.”
Heather Hancock was also pressured by doctors to let them kill her for being disabled. She suggests that killing patients for their organs helps fund Canada’s socialized healthcare system.
The politically disfavored have been subjected to forced organ harvesting in communist China for decades. The main difference between China and Canada is that the fiends running the former imposed themselves by force. Canadians voluntarily elected leftists like Justin Trudeau, who preside over a system comparably morally vacuous. Maybe it isn’t too late to change course, but it will require a decisive reversal.
On a tip from R F.
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