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Oct 06 2023

Legacy of George Floyd Unfolded Quickly

In life, career criminal George Floyd was a no-account loser. In death, with the aggressive support of the liberal establishment, he has become a man of import. The effect he has had on American society through his role in the deification of black criminality has been significant, as was already clear in a Daily Veracity report from 2 years ago:

According to a study out of SJ Quinney College of Law … the recent spikes in homicides have been caused by a “Minneapolis Effect,” similar to the earlier “Ferguson Effect, directly after the 2015 protests.

The Ferguson Effect was caused by leftists like Barack Obama exploiting the justified shooting of black maniac Michael Brown to tear the country apart.

Doing their job can destroy their lives, as with Darren Wilson. It can even get a cop thrown in prison as a human sacrifice to moonbattery, like Derek Chauvin. So some take a hands-off approach to crime, even dragging their feet in response to 911 calls.

Additionally, according to the data, the black share of known homicide offenders rose to a record of almost 60%, with the same demographic committing over 50% of all violent crimes. for the year.

Impressive for a group that comprises only 13% of the population.

The reason black criminality is egged on and enabled by the people in control is that it has been weaponized for political purposes.

Here’s something the mainstream media won’t tell you:

The data also show that black offenders of hate crimes occurred at over twice the rate per 100,000 people than hate crimes committed by white offenders.

Anyone surprised? The liberal establishment strategically demonizes and scapegoats whites the same way Nazis did Jews. The only difference is that few Nazis were Jews themselves, so their ideology was less depraved.

What Black Lives Matter threw into overdrive in the name of George Floyd had already been underway:

In 2018, The Bureau of Justice Statistics released its survey of criminal victimization, breaking down 593,598 interracial violence between blacks and whites. Black Americans committed 537,204 of those interracial felonies or 90 percent, and white Americans committed 56,394 of them, or less than 10 percent.

The collapse of American civilization into violent chaos is by design. George Floyd didn’t come up with the idea. The people who run the universities, the media, and the Democratic Party did. It’s part of a strategy for fundamentally transforming America.

On a tip from Veritas100.


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