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Jun 17 2024

LGBT-Only Taxpayer-Supported Housing

The Alphabet People are so oppressed, taxpayers build them special housing not available to those who do not identify as sexually aberrant.

From Portland, Maine:

The Equality Community Center, located in an old bank in the heart of the city, is set to break ground on its new five-story housing unit for members of the LGBTQ+ community who are 55 and older in the fall.

The name is apt. “Equality” is a Liberalese term referring to the favoritism bestowed upon preferred identity groups.

The complex will include 54 studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom units, including 11 that are designated for those with disabilities or who are living with HIV or AIDS, according to News Center Maine.

HIV and AIDS are prominent among the lethal diseases spread by the LGBT lifestyle. Yet the liberal establishment aggressively promotes it.

It will also provide residents with access to social services, healthcare, transportation, entertainment and recreation, according to the ECC’s Facebook page.

The expected cost is $15 million. Given the government involvement in funding it, the actual cost will be much higher. Good thing taxpayers have plenty of money.

Portland isn’t alone:

Once complete, it will be the second LGBTQ-centered affordable housing complex in New England, as one is already being built in Boston.

Others have also sprung up in Fort Lauderdale, San Diego, Los Angeles, Chicago and Philadelphia.

A reason given for supporting discriminatory projects of this kind is that, having rejected the traditional family in favor of warped sexual indulgence, the Alphabet People are less likely to have children to look after them.

On tips from R F and Ed McAninch.


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