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Apr 27 2022

Marriage to Cartoon Character Hits Snag

Once you take the holy out of holy matrimony, anything is possible. This produces a parade of freakish new applications for the formerly sacred institution that liberals have gutted on behalf of the LGBT agenda. As our world becomes increasingly unreal, it should come as no surprise to see someone take a bride who not only is not a real woman, but who isn’t physically real at all:

Akihiko Kondo, 38, was dating Hatsune Miku — depicted in pop culture as a 16-year-old with turquoise hair — for a decade before they had an unofficial wedding ceremony in 2018. Kondo — one of many who identifies as “fictosexual,” or someone who is sexually attracted to fictional characters — spent 2 million yen, or about $17,300, on the nuptials, but his family did not attend.

Neither did coworkers. Narrow-minded bigots, all of them. Some fellow fictosexuals showed up though, “including strangers and online friends.”

Since falling in love with her in 2008, Kondo was finally able to interact with Miku for the first time in 2017 thanks to a Gatebox, a $1,300 machine that allowed device owners to interact with characters via holograms…

That’s what passes for a relationship in a society emptied of meaning by moonbattery.

Kondo first became familiar with Miku in 2008 after bullying at work caused him to become depressed. Despite finding it difficult to accept his feelings at first, he knew humans weren’t right for him after being met with rejection by others.

Rather than struggle to improve his situation, he took refuge in a fantasy world:

“I stayed in my room for 24 hours a day, and watched videos of Miku the whole time.”

Now support for Gatebox software has been eliminated, so he can no longer speak to Miku after 4 years of “marriage.”

“My love for Miku hasn’t changed,” he told [Japanese newspaper] Mainichi, which noted he now carried around a life-size version of Miku. “I held the wedding ceremony because I thought I could be with her forever.”

A true tragedy for the modern age.

Don’t forget to include F for “fictosexual” in LGBTQIAF+.

On a tip from Jester.


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